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Kaopong Sangkittiyakorn edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 1 revision
  1. Display a list of poll questions

  2. Visiter can select a poll question and vote for a choice. His vote is added to the total.

  3. Visitor can see total votes for each choice in a poll.

  4. Each poll has a publication date (start date) & is visible only on or after this date.

  5. Administrator can add or modify poll questions and choices.

  6. Create a wiki page named “Iteration 1 Plan” page in your ku-polls wiki. Include:

    • Goal for the iteration
    • Features to implement
    • Milestone, at least one
    • Acceptance Criteria - how to evaluate the result?
  7. Create a task board named “Iteration 1” in your “KU Polls” Project (that you created in the lab).

    • Add tasks and features for this iteration.
    • Convert “tasks” to “issues” wherever it makes sense.
    • Suggestion: if you add an “Iteration” field to your Project (in Project Settings), you can assign tasks to an iteration (using the table view). Then, in the “Iteration 1” project tab (view as task board) add a “Filter” so that only tasks with “Iteration” value of 1 are shown.
  8. Use Github Flow.

    • Create a git branch named iteration1 and do your work on this branch.
    • Push to Github when you finish each part of the Django tutorial.
  9. Implement parts 1 - 6 of the Django Tutorial. Your Django project code should be in the root directory of your ku-polls repository (which you have already created), not a subdirectory. So, when you create the Django project do it like this (instead of as in the tutorial):

    # change directory to your ku-polls repository (Windows use chdir)
    cd ku-polls
    # create a Django project *here*.  The "." parameter means to create it in this directory.
    django-admin startproject mysite .
    # Show the files. Windows: "dir" any other OS: "ls"

    it should show:    (file you cloned from Github repo)
    mysite       (directory)
  10. Add at least 2 interesting poll questions to your application, and delete the boring “What’s up?” question.

    • no trivial questions like “How are you?”, “What’s your favorite color?”
  11. Optional: add embellishments, such as a graph of poll results, a custom background, or CSS styling.

  12. When you finish and test everything, open a Pull Request to merge, then review your own work, and merge branch iteration1 into master. It should be a simple “fast forward” merge.

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