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Ring middleware to stream Server-Sent Events (SSE) - a lightweight and standardized technology as part of HTML5 where the client receives automatic push notifications from the server via HTTP connection.

More details on W3C and Wikipedia.


Clojars coordinates [ring-sse-middleware "0.1.3"]

Requires Clojure 1.8 or higher.

No web server dependency is included. You must add a compatible web server to your project.

Tested web servers

This middleware is tested with the following web servers:

Web server Version
Aleph/Manifold 0.4.0 to 0.4.6
HTTP Kit 2.1.x to 2.5.1
Immutant 2.1.9 to 2.1.10
Jetty adapter 9.2.x (Ring 1.4.0) to 9.4.x (Ring 1.9.0)


Remainder of this document uses the following namespace aliases:

(require '[ring-sse-middleware.core    :as r])
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.wrapper :as w])
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.generic  :as g])  ; for any server with no response buffering
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.http-kit :as h])  ; for HTTP-Kit server only
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.immutant :as i])  ; for Immutant server only
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.manifold :as m])  ; for Manifold (Aleph server) only

Quickstart with defined route and HTTP Kit server

Let us assume you have

  • a Ring handler defined as handler
  • a URI endpoint /app/metrics that returns a JSON string of metrics data
  • web server HTTP Kit

You want to periodically (at 1 second interval) query this data and stream it to a browser client for visualization. Use ring-sse-middleware to set up streaming.

(def wrapped-handler (-> handler
                       (r/streaming-middleware h/generate-stream))) ; for Aleph it would be m/generate-stream

Once you start HTTP Kit, you can fetch the stream from the URI /app/metrics?stream=true on the same server. The default configuration is triggered with query parameter stream=true for HTTP GET requests, and has 1 second interval.

Quickstart with custom options and Jetty server

Let us assume you have

  • a Ring handler defined as handler
  • a no-argument function emit-score that returns a comma-separated string of a cricket match score
  • web server Jetty using the Ring Jetty adapter

You want to periodically (at 3 seconds interval) query this data at URI /score and stream it to a remote client. Use the ring-sse-middleware to set up streaming for at most 100 clients.

(def wrapped-handler (-> handler
                       (r/streaming-middleware g/generate-stream {:request-matcher (partial r/uri-match "/score")
                                                                  :chunk-generator (-> (fn [_] (emit-score))
                                                                                     (w/wrap-delay 3000)
                                                                  :max-connections 100})))

Once you start Jetty, you can fetch the stream from the URI /score on the server. Be sure to configure Jetty's output buffering to minimum to instantly receive the stream updates. This example uses generic g/generate-stream streaming function. In theory it should work with all web servers, but in practice it works with only few, often poorly. For proper Server-sent Events support consider one of the non-generic web servers.


Run the server (any of the following commands, press Ctrl+C to stop) in one terminal:

lein do clean, aleph run
lein do clean, http-kit run
lein do clean, immutant run
lein do clean, jetty run

Run the client (press Ctrl+C to stop) in another terminal:

curl -v "localhost:3000/?stream=true"


Copyright © 2017-2021 Shantanu Kumar

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Ring middleware to stream Server-sent Events







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