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ByteTrack is very strong Multi Object Tracker for tracking small objects like people etc., but it isn't good at tracking big objects like cars because ByteTrack is tracking only using IoU and is vulnerable to occlusion. For another reason, the shape of the bounding box is deformed just before the occlusion starts.

To solve this problem, we propose an occlusion-resistant tracker that can track cars by using optical flow, and we also propose a robust way to save the bounding box's shape just before the occlusion starts.

As a detector, a tracker, and an optical flow predictor, we use YOLOX, ByteTrack, and RAFT respectively.

In the figure below, we show the way to get information about OF and positions. OF stands for optical flow. We predict OF at frame t with the Kalman filter and compare it to OF at frame t obtained with RAFT. We consider IoU as well as OF in our comparisons.

  • In this study, we track cars at intersections because many occlusions happen there.
  • We installed a camera as the same height as the traffic signal at an intersection.
  • When an occlusion occurs, ours can continue to track cars precisely more than 90% although ByteTrack tracks about 40%.
  • In the case of tracking a car at an intersection, both MOTA and IDF1 are improved over ByteTrack's.
  • No real time.


This repository is based on ByteTrack. The code is implemented with Python=3.9.0 and torch=2.1.1 with cuda-11.1

  1. clone this repository
    git clone
    cd bytetrack_with_raft
  2. Install libraries(We must first install numpy due to the dependency)
    pip install numpy
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set pre-trained weight below ./pretrained You can get YOLOX pre-trained model from here.
  4. put your video below ./videos and predict by running
    python video --path ./videos/hoge.avi -n yolox-x -c pretrained/yolox_x.pth --match_thresh 0.8 --track_thresh 0.7 --fp16 --fuse --save_result --raft_model RAFT/models/raft-sintel.pth --nms 0.45 --conf 0.1

we can get tracking result below ./multitracking_result


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