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GDRtMidi is a wrapper for the popular C++ midi library RtMidi.

Currently only the Midi Out interface is supported.


  1. Download from releases the version appropriate for your target platform(s). Prebuilt binaries for Windows and Linux are currently available.

  2. Copy the addons folder in your godot project.


  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Compile godot-cpp. cd godot-cpp && scons platform=windows -j12 && cd .. then build the gdnative libs scons platform=windows/linux/osx Note: you might need to build rtmidi yourself if compiling for windows/osx cd rtmidi && ./ && make

  3. Create a folder named gdrtmidi. Copy the contents of gd into this folder. Copy the built library from step 2 somewhere inside this folder. By default it should be in lib/x11 for linux or lib/win for windows. If you choose to choose an arbitrary location, update the gdrtmidi.gdnlib accordingly.

  4. Copy the gdrtmidi folder under the addons directory in your godot project.


  1. Docs are currently under construction. For the time being refer to the RtMidiOut Class Interface