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A toolset for managing multi-endpoint network validatin testing for HPC clusters


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RapidSwarm is a Python-based toolset for managing multi-endpoint network validation testing for HPC clusters. It automates the discovery, testing, and reporting of network nodes with various hardware interfaces, focusing on enhancing the reliability and performance of network-intensive applications.


  • Automated Discovery and Testing: Automatically discovers nodes and tests their network interfaces and GPU communications.
  • Flexible Test Definitions: Define tests with custom parameters and output parsing rules to meet diverse testing requirements.
  • Dynamic Output Parsing: Extract meaningful metrics and insights from test outputs with customizable parsing rules.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Analyze and report test results, facilitating performance monitoring and issue identification.


Ensure Poetry is installed on your system. Visit Poetry's documentation for installation instructions.

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory: Use the command cd RapidSwarm to move into the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies: Run poetry install to install the necessary dependencies for RapidSwarm.
  4. Run tests: Execute poetry run pytest to run the tests and ensure everything is set up correctly.


To use RapidSwarm for network testing, follow these steps:

  1. Define your network tests: Create test definitions according to your network's requirements. Use the examples in src/rapidswarm/tests/ as a guide for defining tests for network interfaces and types.

  2. Configure your environment: Ensure all dependencies are installed and your environment is set up as described in the Installation section. Additionally, configure your config.yaml file to define the nodes and interfaces to be scanned. The format should follow the example provided in the config.yaml section below.

  3. Run RapidSwarm: Execute the command poetry run rapidswarm to start the discovery and testing process. Use the -h option to explore additional command-line options.

  4. Review test results: After the tests have completed, review the generated reports in the reports/ directory to analyze the performance and reliability of your network interfaces.

For more detailed instructions and advanced usage, refer to the documentation in the docs/ directory.

Configuring config.yaml

The config.yaml file is crucial for defining the network nodes and interfaces that RapidSwarm will scan and test. The file should be structured as follows from this example:

  - type: CSVScanner
      csv_data: |
  - type: NetworkPerformanceProbe
      test_type: "throughput"
      duration: "30s"
  - type: HTMLReporter
      output_directory: "./reports/"
      template: "network_performance.html"
  - type: Sequential
      interval: "5m"
      retry_on_failure: true
      max_retries: 3

The config file has four main sections:

  • scanners
  • probes
  • reporters
  • managers

Each section of the config.yaml file plays a crucial role in configuring RapidSwarm for network scanning and testing. Here's a detailed explanation of each section:


The scanners section defines the sources from which network nodes and interfaces will be discovered. Each scanner type has its own configuration options.

For example, the CSVScanner type reads network node and interface information from a CSV formatted string. The csv_data key within the config specifies the actual CSV data, where each row represents a network node and its interface details such as node_name, interface_name, mac_address, and ip_address. The CSVScanner type is useful for testing a small set of known nodes and interfaces.

Future work will include adding support for other scanners such as NmapScanner and SlurmScanner to discover nodes and interfaces from Nmap and Slurm respectively. Other types such as MaasScanner will query services such as Ubuntu Maas to discover nodes and interfaces.


The probes section specifies the tests that will be run against the discovered network interfaces. Each probe type has its own configuration.

For instance, the NetworkPerformanceProbe type is configured to test network throughput over a specified duration (30s in the example). This section allows users to define various performance metrics and tests to assess the network's reliability and performance. A PingProbe type is also available to test network latency.


The reporters section defines how the results of the network tests will be reported. Each reporter type has its own configuration options.

The HTMLReporter type, for example, generates an HTML report of the test results. The output_directory specifies where the report will be saved, and the template key defines the HTML template to use for the report. This section enables users to customize the reporting format and location according to their needs.


The managers section configures how the scanning and testing processes are managed. Each manager type has its own set of configuration options.

The Sequential manager type, as shown in the example, runs the tests sequentially with a specified interval (5m) between each test. It also includes options for retrying failed tests (retry_on_failure: true) and the maximum number of retries (max_retries: 3). This section allows users to control the execution flow of the tests, including scheduling, retries, and handling failures.

Understanding and configuring each of these sections correctly is essential for tailoring RapidSwarm to meet specific network testing requirements.

Another example of a config.yaml file is as follows:

  - type: NmapScanner
      target_range: ""
      scan_options: "-sP"
  - type: NvidiaScanner
      query_mode: "all"

  - type: NvidiaGPUPerformanceProbe
      test_type: "interconnect_bandwidth"
      duration: "60s"
      gpu_pairs: [
        {"source": "GPU0", "target": "GPU1"},
        {"source": "GPU1", "target": "GPU2"}

  - type: JSONReporter
      output_directory: "./gpu_reports/"
      template: "gpu_performance.json"

  - type: Parallel
      max_concurrent_tests: 5
      retry_on_failure: false


A toolset for managing multi-endpoint network validatin testing for HPC clusters







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