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Welcome to the KUN Network Documentation

1.0 What Is KUN
3.0 Token Economy
4.0 Keep Up With KUN

What Is KUN

KUN relies on ERC20 to expand the ecological building as the center. Based on the ERC20 twin-turbine reform, KUN designs contracts in accordance with the smart/shard storage/chain synchronization/pos mining mechanism and introduces KUN currency.

User Case

KUN Savings Agreement

In the KUN digital banking ecosystem, saving money is an essential function. KUN will initiate a savings agreement. KUN will provide a stable currency savings product protected by principal can accept multiple token deposits and pay stable interest. In order to generate income, the KUN storage protocol can lend deposits, and borrowers need to use POS assets that can be easily implemented on the blockchain as collateral. Therefore, KUN's income in the savings field is mainly driven by the block rewards of the POS blockchain. The KUN savings agreement will implement the settlement agreement, that is, whenever the loan is at risk, the borrower's collateral will be liquidated to protect the depositor's principal. In KUN's savings system, all deposits do not need to be locked and can be withdrawn at any time. Stabilize deposit interest rates by allocating the variable part of the lump sum reward to depositors We are different from the products on the market in several ways. We use the overall rewards accumulated to the mortgage assets to stabilize the deposit interest rate; we set the benchmark interest rate of the blockchain economy by integrating the block rewards of all major POS blockchains; the agreement Defines the loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of each collateral, which represents the ratio of the value of the collateral that can be lent. The borrowing capacity determines the maximum amount of debt that can be accumulated in the account. Using the KUN savings agreement, depositors can predict their own income based on the income of their borrowers on the chain. A unique enabler of "income transfer" from borrower to depositor. The interest rate is the average value of the income received by the borrower and is weighted by the value of the collateral supporting each income. At the same time, the clearing agreement implemented by the KUN Savings Agreement aims to guarantee the depositors' principal. As long as all debts of the deposit are still over-collateralized, the deposit is safe. The function of the clearing agreement is to maintain deposit security by repaying debts that may violate mortgage requirements. The agreement uses a liquidation contract whose task is to repay debts to repay high-risk loans in exchange for collateral and liquidation fees. The contract also charges the borrower a passive premium, which is calibrated to ensure full coverage of outstanding loans. The liquidation contract can be written and used by anyone. It is used when the loan needs to be liquidated as needed

KUN financial loan

The spirit of decentralization to build a better financial ecosystem is very clear. A system that anyone in the world can use. DeFi should be open source and without custodial rights: you are the owner of the funds, and you are free to use it when you need it. On this basis, KUN initiated credit entrustment, and depositors who have not used the borrowing capacity can entrust credit lines to people they trust to earn additional interest. Credit-guaranteed unsecured loans are loans with almost no collateral, using the idle borrowing capacity of DeFi liquidity providers. For liquidity providers, unsecured loans provide a way to increase passive income by borrowing interest rates to earn a premium. Borrowers accept higher interest rates in return and get loans without providing collateral. Credit delegation uses a combination of smart contract functions and peer-to-peer trust. In addition to delegating credit to smart contracts, trust is also introduced when using credit delegation to obtain liquidity from DeFi. The most important thing about credit is the belief that the loan can be repaid. In order to avoid non-payment of loans, KUN uses OpenLaw to ensure the repayment of credit-based loans. Usually, OpenLaw is used as a legal package to ensure that the transaction is legally binding. Therefore, the DAO protocol is actually used in KUN's lending to balance the market. OpenLaw is an interesting tool that allows users to sign agreements and execute smart contract codes directly through their Ethereum wallet. The vault is a debt wrapper built on KUN. Each vault allows users to set different commission parameters, including the currency that the borrower can withdraw, the interest rate formula, and the most important credit limit. Through OpenLaw, all borrowing and lending parameters are completed using programmable legal agreements, making the withdrawal and lending of funds easier.

KUN's insurance pledge system

KUN will also establish a pledge system in which users can pledge contracts that they think can be safely rewarded. This is an updated system that can increase rewards, improve the distribution mechanism, cancel the queuing mechanism and reduce the lock-up time. The new system allows the promise of multiple contracts to increase the potential rate of return and effectively improve capital efficiency. At the same time, rewards and punishments will be shared according to the pledge ratio in different contracts. Work-Enter KUN users to have their own accounts. KUN deposit mortgage system risk assessment module application-KUN collateral will ensure that you believe that smart contracts will be these KUN mortgage loans. Believe that any smart security system contract will be bet on, buy smart contracts on the system Insurance. You can hold KUN amount 10 times (equivalent to 10 times leverage) bet on many different contracts to earn bonus. The reward system means that users will get rewards from each security contract they promised. The deposit may be destroyed. If a security incident occurs in the mortgage contract, the pledged tokens will be destroyed. KUN relies on the active bets of risk assessors to indicate good risks and bad risks. The more bets you place, the more insurance contracts you can buy. Therefore, it is very important to appropriately reward risk assessors. Therefore, the user will also increase the reward to the punter from 20% of the insurance amount to 50%. The system not only increases rewards, but also distributes rewards more evenly. Rewards will be distributed proportionally to any member who purchases a specific contract.

KUN's decentralized exchange

A truly decentralized exchange, an automatic market maker system, based on algorithms, provides higher liquidity and transaction depth, and reduces transaction costs. Open API products support multiple transaction pools, share orders and liquidity. This is a future-oriented decentralized exchange product. We envision convenient exchange between multiple assets in the future, and use extremely low handling fees, even without handling fees. Every user can use it easily, data can interact across chains, and transactions can also be completed across chains.

KUN's investment portfolio agreement

We will launch an automated DeFi yield aggregator product, dedicated to solving the complexity of the current AMM protocol, the inability to perceive liquidity mining tokens, and the need to provide at least two tokens. We believe that as long as the agreement can bring value to users, the market will help verify the product. Its working principle is mainly to automatically deposit stable coins and conduct liquidity mining through multiple protocols such as AAVE, Compound and dYdX, so as to earn higher returns for investors. No complicated operation steps or complete technical knowledge is required, making investment easier.

KUN's DAO governance model

DAO (Decentralized Autonomy Organization) is a decentralized autonomous organization. In nature, for example, "bee colonies", "ant colonies", and "big geese flying south" are all natural decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO is formed on the basis of community consensus autonomously, that is, individuals make their own decisions and reach the organization's rules through consensus, and all consensus rules are enforced through smart contracts. In this process, no one can violate the consensus rules. Because once a smart contract is deployed to Ethereum, it cannot be modified, abolished or deleted. DAO is a cooperative operation (cooperative game). The so-called cooperative game is to benefit at least some people without harming anyone's interests. It is more conducive to give full play to collective wisdom and provide security for the blockchain revolution

KUN's financing agreement

We hope to provide a more secure decentralized auction platform and provide initial financing support for some high-quality projects.

  1. Fund security: The currency is in your wallet, so don't worry about the platform running away with the money; Independent and open: anyone can publish projects on it to raise funds, as long as they feel that their projects are good enough, they can come without any cost;
  2. Fairness and transparency: Because it is decentralized, the fundraising situation is all carried out on the chain, which can be seen by anyone and cannot be faked. Put an end to the tricks of centralized financing platforms, where the total amount of funds raised is fraudulent, and the questionta of good projects is eaten up by the platform. It is true that everyone can participate and everyone can get rich.

Token Economy

KUN is the general warrant of the Kunchain ecology, it is also a fuel, and it is also a certificate for community holders to vote. We follow the model of community autonomy and use the DAO model to let KUN play a vital role in community governance. At the same time, holding KUN will enjoy various benefits of ecological development, and can participate in liquid mining rewards. The most important thing is that we have created a concept of a universal token, which can be directly exchanged across chains. It is the real financial world that leads to defi and the bridge that defi shines into the real asset world.

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