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Pepper is a discord bot I made a while back to learn. Its written in C#. It's not a public bot yet, but has shards implemented. Its got everything I wanted it to have when I started to work on it so I've haulted progress on it. I may come back to add a few things here and there.

Table Of Contents

  • General Info
  • Technologies
  • Setting Up
  • Plans for the future

General Info

Modules :

Module Description
General General commands including commands for server configuration and more.
Moderation Moderation Commands.
Soft Moderation Soft Moderation commands.
Games Commands to play games such as UNO and Battleship with other server members.
Fun Commands for general fun! Troll users and use reddit based commands.
Music Commands to play music on discord.
Images Image Manipulation! Make memes with pre-built and and manipulate user profiles!
Math Simple math commands such as solving and graphing equations.
Currency A currency system!
AIChat An AI chat module for small talk and more!

Does not have seperate prefix', Im not planning on adding it anytime soon either.


  • Each server has a configuration and modules can be configured based on the needs of the server.
  • Moderation and Soft Moderation modules connected to a database. All moderation events (bans, kicks, mutes etc.) are stored in a database and can be accessed at any time. Pepper contains server configureable filtered words, custom commands and rules. Moderators and Administrators are enforced at different levels.
  • Music Module to play songs from Youtube or Soundcloud using Lavalink. Each server has its own player to handle music. Only one player can be registered for a server.
  • A Dynamic Games module set up in a way which makes it easy to add new games and maintain scalability.
  • An Image module which can be built open to manipulate gifs and videos and more and set up in a way which makes migration from one package to another easy.
  • Fun module with configurable and Reddit based commands. All reddit commands are NSFW enforced.
  • An AIChat module which uses Dialogflow to create an enhanced AI chat experiance.
  • Commands to perform basic mathematical operations such as solving and graphic equations.
  • An expandable currency system connected to a database. Boosts, items, tools, jobs and more are set up dynamically and can be scaled easily. More features can also be added to the database with ease.


(I honestly don't know what goes here so I just put everything)

Setting Up

• Cloning The Repository

  1. Clone the repo on your local system using the following command line
$ git clone

• Creating and Setting up The Bot

  1. Open a new Browser window and search Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Navigate to the Applications window and select New Application. This application is your bot
  3. Give the application a name and hit Create. You can now fill in the other details of the bot like the description and give the bot a pfp.
  4. Navigate to Bot tab, click Click To Reveal Token and copy whatever appears. This is the token for your discord bot and is used in code. DO NOT show anyone this token.

• Setting up Music Commands with LavaLink

Pepper uses DSharpPlus.LavaLink for music commands. Find the LavaLink.jar file at KunalsDiscordBot/Modules/Music. open a cmd prompt or terminal instance at this path and run

java -jar Lavalink.jar

This runs the jar file. The bot comes with a set up application.yaml file to configure LavaLink so it should run locally on your device. You can look into LavaLinks repository or the DSharpPlus tutorial for more info.

• Reddit Services

Pepper uses Reddit.NET for all things reddit. This is primarily used in the FunModule but can be built upon for more complex Reddit related commands.

Settings Up the Reddit App

  1. Open up the Apps page on Reddit and hit create an app at the bottom.
  2. Give the app a name and a description. Under App Type choose script. The Redirect URL can really be any valid URL. After that you can just hit Create App.
  3. Its gonna redirect your page that looks something like this.

We need 2 things from here, your client app id (The set of characters under personal use script) and client secret.

  1. Apart from those 2 we also need a refreshToken. Now I have to admit getting this is a bit trickier than the appId and secret. You can either follow the instructions at here or just use this simple link.

You can look into the at KunalsDiscordBot/Reddit/ for more info on the Reddit implementation.

• Setting up Dialogflow

Pepper uses Dialogflow for NLP used in the AI chat module. You can follow the instructions to set up Dialogflow and to create a Dialogflow Agent here. Pepper does use the API so make sure to install Cloud SDK as well. Keep track of the JSON file downloaded containing the KEY of your project and the project ID of your Dialogflow agent as they are used in the primary config file

After you have Dialogflow set up, you can enable small talk for the agent. Go to the home page of your agent. On the sidebar in the left, scroll down till you find Small Talk. Click it and enable it by checking the toggle called Enable. You can now fill in various small talk responses that you want your agent to have.

• Creating the Primary Config File

Come back to the project on your system and find the folder called KunalsDiscordBot and create a new json file called Config.json exactly. You can change this name later if needed. This is gonna be the config file for the bot. Open the file and paste the following lines and fill in the appropriate values.

  "Version": 1,

  "DiscordConfig": {
    "Token": "your discord bot token here, the same on you copied from the discord developers portal",
    "Prefixes": [ "prefixes here" ],
    "Dms": false,
    "TimeOut": 60,
    "ShardCount": 1,
    "ActivityType": 0,
    "ActivityText": "whatever should show up in your bots activity",
    "ErrorLink": "Any image link, this image is used when an error occurs."
    "WriteCommands": false,
    "WriteLocation": "The file location where you want to write all the commands to"

  "LavalinkConfig": {
    "Hostname": "",
    "Port": 2333,
    "Password": "pepperrocks"

  "RedditConfig": {
    "AppId": "your reddit app id here",
    "AppSecret": "your reddit app secret here",
    "RefreshToken": "your reddit app refresh token here",
    "PostLimit": 50

 "ChatbotConfig": {
    "ProjectId": "Your Dialogflow project ID",
    "GoogleCreedentialsVariable": "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS",
    "GoogleCredentialsPath": "The path to your Dialogflow Key JSON",
    "TimeOutime" : 30

What these values are

Discord Config

  1. Token: The client token for your bot.
  2. Prefixes: The default prefixes for your bot.
  3. Dms: Are commands sent through direct messages are processed or not
  4. TimeOut: The default timeout (in seconds) for the interactivity for your bot. The value be overriden wherever nececarry but defaults to the value here.
  5. ShardCount: The number of shards for your bot.
  6. ActivityType : The activity type that appears for your bot in discord, this is later converted to an enum ActivityType. The valid values for the activity types are below
    • 0 : Playing
    • 1 : Streaming
    • 2 : ListeningTo
    • 3 : Watching
    • 4 : Custom
    • 5 : Competing
  7. ActivityText : The text that appears as your bots activity
  8. ErrorLink : The image that appears in the footer when an error occurs
  9. WriteCommands : Not related to the any code This value is for the website, it stores whether or not commands need to be written to a JSON file every time the program is run. This file is read to list all the commands on the website.
  10. WriteLocation: Not related to any code This value is for the website, it stores the location of the file where all commands are written to. The commands are written in JSON format. This file is read to list all the commands on the website.

LavaLink Config

  1. Hostname: The name of the host used to host lava link
  2. Port : the port number on which to host lavalink
  3. Password : The LavaLink password, note changing the password here also requires you to change the password in the application.yaml file at KunalsDiscordBot/Modules/Music

Reddit Config

  1. AppId : The app Id of your reddit app
  2. AppSecret : The app secret of your reddit app
  3. RefreshToken: The refresh token of your reddit app
  4. PostLimit : The maximum amount of posts the bot collects from registered subreddits.

Chatbot Config

  1. ProjectId : The project ID of your Dialogflow project
  2. GoogleCreedentialsVariable : The name of the environment variable used by Dialogflow. Make sure this is GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS only.
  3. GoogleCredentialsPath : The path to the JSON file contianing the key of your Dialogflow project (The one you downloaded while creating the service account for your Dialgflow agent).
  4. TimeOutime : The maximum time (in seconds) after which a Dialogflow processing request is cancelled.

• Setting up the Database

The github repo does not include the Migrations folder nor does it include the Database itself. So you need to create them when you clone the repo as its used in the currency system and for general server configurations..


Copy the path of the folder called KunalsDiscordBot and open a cmd prompt or terminal instance at this path. First make sure you have dotnet-ef installed by running.

dotnet tool install -global dotnet-ef

Also make sure you have the package Microsoft.EntityFrameWorkCore.Design installed through the nuget manager or the following cmd line

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameWorkCore.Design

Creating the Database and Migrations

We can now create a migration using

dotnet-ef migrations add InitialCreate -p ../DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.Migrations/DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.Migrations.csproj --context DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.DataContext

This line, creates a new migration called InitialCreate in the project called DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.Migrations.

the last part of the line line uses the DbContext DataContext in the namespace DiscordBotDataBase.Dal. If you have done everything correctly and the build succeedes its time to actually create our database using the following command

dotnet-ef database update InitialCreate -p ../DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.Migrations/DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.Migrations.csproj --context DiscordBotDataBase.Dal.DataContext

Its the same as before but instead of migrations add, we use database update. The other parameters are the same. If you get no errors and the build succeedes then you should see a file called Data.db appear in the folder called KunalsDiscordBot considering you haven't changed anything. If you do then great work! The databse has been set up succesfully.

Any time you make any chages to the Database Models you will be needed to run these last 2 commands in that specific order to add the new migrations and update the database Although you would change the names of the Migrations on each update. for this example we used InitialCreate. You would put in a different value every time you create something new. You can look into the Microsoft Docs for SQLite for more info.

Plans for the future

This project was a lot of fun, it was great to learn but I have moved on to other projects as is the natural state of things. Regardless it provides my (as in the me writing this page) idea of what a discord bot should like.

For More info you can contact me on Discord


Just a discord bot I made







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