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Kakanda HTTP

Kakanda HTTP is a simple React JS application for searching HTTP status code or status message. Kakanda HTTP is inspired by Alfred HTTP. Kakanda HHTP does not require Javascript bundler. It embraces the use of JS modules feature from browsers.



How To Run Kakanda HTTP

  • Clone repository - git clone
  • Change directory - cd kakanda-http
  • Run web server. If your machine has python, you can run python -m SimpleHTTPServer.
  • Open localhost from your browser. Example: localhost:8000.

How To Build JS Modules

  • Run npm install
  • Run npx babel modules --out-dir build --presets react-app/prod
  • If you want to run in watch mode npx babel --watch modules --out-dir build --presets react-app/prod


Released under the MIT License, Copyright (c) 2017–ω Kunto Aji Kristianto.