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TestML is a tool for detecting logcial errors in functional programming assingments. It generates a counter-example if it given a program with bug. The tool is licensed under the MIT license.

Basic Settings

Since the tool is implemented in OCaml, you have to install OCaml and packages:

sudo apt-get install ocaml
sudo apt-get install ocamlbuild
sudo apt-get install opam

The tool uses the libraries, str, batteries, and Z3 SMT solver. You can install the libraries using opam with follwing commands:

opam install str
opam install batteries

You can install and use Z3 OCaml binding at Z3 github repository (


engine stores implemantation of TestML. More specifically, you can see that the main parts of TestML are implemented in the following files:

  • engine/TestML/ Overall algirthm and symbolic test case generation
  • engine/TestML/ Symbolic verification

benchmarks stores 4,060 students submission we used in evaluation. All sub directories of benchmarks contains submissions that are correct or incorrect, a solution, set of test cases, and a grading function to test (if it required).


After installing the prerequisites, run the build script:

cd engine
eval `opam config env`

If the compilation is done, you can check that the main.native is created.

How to Run

To use the TestML, you need to input:

  • Student's program that has logical error
  • The function name of the problem
  • Correct implemetation

Then, TestML will detect a counter-example which triggers the error in student's program. The template for running the TestML as follows:

engine/main.native -submission [submissions path] -entry [function name] -solution [solution path]

For example, we can generate counter-example of a submission of problem filter with following command:

engine/main.native -submission benchmarks/filter/filter/submissions/ -entry filter -solution benchmarks/filter/filter/

If TestML finds a counter-example, it reutrns the result.

By using -run option you can run each program with predefined test cases. The template for running a test case as follows:

engine/main.native -submission [submissions path] -entry [function name] -testcases [testcase path]

For example, you can run a submission of problem filter with following command:

engine/main.native -run -submission benchmarks/filter/filter/submissions/ -entry filter -testcases benchmarks/filter/filter/testcases

The correct implementation and student's program must be written in OCaml. Especially, the format of testcases is restricted. The format is {[input_11];[input_12];...;[input_1n]=>[output1];[input_21];[input_22];...;[input2n]=>[output2];...}. For instance, the testcases of problem filter is:

  (fun n-> n*(-1) <= 0);[-5;10;3] => [10;3];
  (fun n -> (n mod 2) = 0);[1;3;2;4] => [2;4];


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