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Terraform K8s Flux Bootstrap

CircleCI MIT License GitHub Release PR's Welcome

A terraform module that will bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with FluxCD (V2) and Sealed Secrets.

Module Info

Check the module documentation on the Terraform registry here.

Alternatively, can also check here


Below are few examples on how to use this module


module "flux-bootstrap" {
  source  = "kube-champ/flux-bootstrap/k8s"
  flux_auth_type    = "ssh"
  git_url           = "ssh://"
  flux_ssh_scan_url = ""
  flux_target_path  = "clusters"

Custom keys

module "flux-bootstrap" {
  source  = "kube-champ/flux-bootstrap/k8s"
  ## required vars ...

  flux_ssh_key = {
    auto_generate_key = false
    private_key       = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
    public_key        = "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"

  sealed_secrets_key_cert = {
    auto_generate_key_cert = false
    private_key            = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
    private_cert           = "YOUR_PRIVATE_CERT"

Override Chart Values

module "flux-bootstrap" {
  source  = "kube-champ/flux-bootstrap/k8s"
  ## required vars ...

  sealed_secrets_chart_values = [

  sealed_secrets_chart_values_overrides = {
    "rbac.create" = "true"
    "securityContext.runAsUser" = "1601"

  ## Adds the Flux manifests to the terraform output
  output_manifests = true


See contributing docs here