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[Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5]( | )


Most of the configuration can be done in a settings window. Few options need to be edited in a config file. The configuration file is Mariasek.TesterGUI.exe.config and Mariasek.Console.exe.config

AI settings To adjust AI settings differently for each AI player you need to adjust the config files directly.

    <player1 name="Alpha" type="Mariasek.Engine.New.AiPlayer" assembly="Mariasek.Engine.New.dll">
      <parameter name="AiCheating" value="false" />
      <parameter name="RoundsToCompute" value="1" />
      <parameter name="CardSelectionStrategy" value="MaxCount" />
      <parameter name="SimulationsPerRound" value="50" />
      <parameter name="RuleThreshold" value="70" />
      <parameter name="GameThreshold" value="55|65|75|85|95" />
      <parameter name="MaxDoubleCount" value="5" />
    <player2 name="Bravo" type="Mariasek.Engine.New.AiPlayer" assembly="Mariasek.Engine.New.dll">
      <parameter name="AiCheating" value="false" />
      <parameter name="RoundsToCompute" value="1" />
      <parameter name="CardSelectionStrategy" value="MaxCount" />
      <parameter name="SimulationsPerRound" value="50" />
      <parameter name="RuleThreshold" value="80" />
      <parameter name="GameThreshold" value="55|65|75|85|95" />
      <parameter name="MaxDoubleCount" value="5" />
    <player3 name="Charlie" type="Mariasek.Engine.New.AiPlayer" assembly="Mariasek.Engine.New.dll">
      <parameter name="AiCheating" value="false" />
      <parameter name="RoundsToCompute" value="1" />
      <parameter name="CardSelectionStrategy" value="MaxCount" />
      <parameter name="SimulationsPerRound" value="50" />
      <parameter name="RuleThreshold" value="90" />
      <parameter name="GameThreshold" value="55|65|75|85|95" />
      <parameter name="MaxDoubleCount" value="5" />

Email settings:

  	  <smtp deliveryMethod="network" from="">

The SMTP username and password can be set from the settings window.

Batch Run Analysis

To test different AI settings there are a few useful scripts. (Requires PowerShell 4.0+)

Marisek.GameGenerator This script generates a number of random games and saves their definitions to a chosen directory.

C:\Mariasek> run.cmd .\Mariasek.GameGenerator.ps1 -GamesToGenerate 100 -OutputDir GameDefinitions

Mariasek.ConfigGenerator In order to test which of the given three AI configuration settings A, B and C is better we need to test each in every different combination of players. This script generates config files with all possible combinations of players. For three players there is a total of 3! = 6 combinations: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba

C:\Mariasek> run.cmd .\Mariasek.ConfigGenerator.ps1 -OutputDir GonfigFiles

Mariasek.BatchRunner This tool is used to run simulations of a set of games over a set of configs. This is how to run a batch of games and save the report in files reportxyz.json and cfgxyz.json

C:\Mariasek> run.cmd .\Mariasek.BatchRunner.ps1 -InputDir GameDefinitions -OutputDir GameResults -ConfigDir ConfigFiles -ReportDir Reports -Scenario xyz

Mariasek.ReportGenerator This script is being called from the previous one. Should you want to create a report in a different format you can run the tool directly as follows. Supported formats are JSON, XML and CSV.

C:\Mariasek> run.cmd .\Mariasek.ReportGenerator.ps1 -InputDir GameResults -Output Reports\report.xml -CfgOutput Reports\cfg.xml ConfigFiles -Format XML


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