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Test Time Training Image Deblurring

The project uses Test-Time Training for Image Deblurring. Test-Time Training is a self-supervised approach that learns the test distribution using a pretext task in order to generalize well on the main task. For this project, we utilise image classification as a pretext task for image deblurring.

Dataset download

Simply run bash

Run Demo

  • Download pretrained model from here - link
  • Place it in a folder Unet_all_blur
  • Install all dependencies using Conda and open jupyterlab
    • conda create --name TTT python=3.8 -y
    • conda activate TTT
    • python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    • jupyter lab
  • Open demo.ipynb and run all the cells
  • Deactivate and remove the environment
    • conda deactivate
    • conda env remove --name TTT


  • -> Dataset class for MS COCO
  • -> Dataset class for PASCAL VOC 2012
  • Model_architectures -> Folders containing model implementations for ResNet, UNet and SPP
  • -> Training script
  • -> Testing script
  • -> Testing script for online Test-Time Training

Command to train the model

  • Download the dataset using the shell script above
  • run python with the following arguments
usage: [-h] [--imageRoot IMAGEROOT] [--trainLabelRoot TRAINLABELROOT] [--valImageRoot VALIMAGEROOT]
                [--valLabelRoot VALLABELROOT] [--pascalCSV PASCALCSV] [--initLR INITLR] [--trainBatchSize TRAINBATCHSIZE]
                [--valBatchSize VALBATCHSIZE] [--nEpoch NEPOCH] [--experiment EXPERIMENT] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
                [--lr_milestones LR_MILESTONES] [--gamma GAMMA] [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
                [--loss_weightage LOSS_WEIGHTAGE] [--SPP] [--SGD] [--SSIM] [--model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}]

training Params

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --imageRoot IMAGEROOT
                        location of the training images
  --trainLabelRoot TRAINLABELROOT
                        location of the train labels
  --valImageRoot VALIMAGEROOT
                        location of the validation images
  --valLabelRoot VALLABELROOT
                        location of the val labels
                        location of pascal voc annotations
  --initLR INITLR       initial Learning Rate
  --trainBatchSize TRAINBATCHSIZE
                        train batch size
  --valBatchSize VALBATCHSIZE
                        val batch size
  --nEpoch NEPOCH       epochs
  --experiment EXPERIMENT
                        result dir
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
                        restore training from checkpoint
  --lr_milestones LR_MILESTONES
                        LR milestones
  --gamma GAMMA         gamma value
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        regularization weight decay
  --loss_weightage LOSS_WEIGHTAGE
                        weightage to deblur loss
  --model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}

Command to test the model

  • Run python
  • Use the following arguments
usage: [-h] [--LR LR] [--nEpoch NEPOCH] [--experiment EXPERIMENT]
               [--BatchSize BATCHSIZE] [--pascalCSV PASCALCSV] [--SPP]
               [--model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}]

testing Params

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --LR LR               Learning Rate
  --nEpoch NEPOCH       epochs
  --experiment EXPERIMENT
                        result dir
  --BatchSize BATCHSIZE
                        test batch size
                        location of pascal voc annotations
  --model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}

Command to test the model (Online TTT)

  • Run python
  • Use the following arguments
usage: [-h] [--LR LR] [--nEpoch NEPOCH]
                          [--experiment EXPERIMENT] [--BatchSize BATCHSIZE]
                          [--pascalCSV PASCALCSV] [--SPP]
                          [--model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}]

testing Params

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --LR LR               Learning Rate
  --nEpoch NEPOCH       epochs
  --experiment EXPERIMENT
                        result dir
  --BatchSize BATCHSIZE
                        test batch size
                        location of pascal voc annotations
  --model {Unet,SPP,Resnet,Unet2}