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Khata: The writing pad

This is the Rust implementation of Shonku project.

This is kind of stable, I am using it for long enough now for my blog.

Need nightly rust

rustup default nightly

To build from the source for normal systems

cargo build --features shadow --release

The shadow feature will enable -e/--exe to get details about the executable. But, in case you want to run it under WASI, then build it using the following command.

cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release

How to use?

You will the following directory structure.

|-> templates
|-> pages
|-> posts
|-> output
    |-> posts
    |-> pages
    |-> categories
    |-> assets

You can make them all as

mkdir -p pages posts output/{posts,pages,categories}
cp -r assets output/

To use WASI

cp ./target/wasm32-wasi/release/khata.wasm ./
wasmtime --dir=. khata.wasm -- -h

Create a new blog post

./khata --new
wasmtime --dir=. khata.wasm -- --new

Build the posts after any change

wasmtime --dir=. khata.wasm

To build the updated/new posts.

To rebuild the whole site

./khata --rebuild
wasmtime --dir=. khata.wasm -- --rebuild

To rebuild the whole site.

To view the help

./khata -h
wasmtime --dir=. khata.wasm -- -h

To view all the help options.

We have default templates and assets in the git repo.

To view which binary you are using (when you enable shadow feature)

./khata -e