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File metadata and controls

146 lines (93 loc) · 5.21 KB

These examples can be run in the :ref:`Viewer Console <ViewerConsole>`.

Working with meta data

# view meta data
>>> get_meta()

{'origin': 'AwesomeImager', 'version': '4107ff58a0c3d4d5d3c15c3d6a69f8798a20e3de', 'fps': 10.0, 'date': '20190426_152034', 'vmin': 323, 'vmax': 1529, 'orig_meta': {'source': 'AwesomeImager', 'version': '4107ff58a0c3d4d5d3c15c3d6a69f8798a20e3de', 'level_min': 323, 'stims': {}, 'time': '152034', 'date': '20190426', 'framerate': 10.0, 'level_max': 1529}}

# manually set meta data entries
>>> get_meta()['fps'] = 30.0

Open image

Use the :ref:`Viewer Core API <API_ViewerCore>` to open any arbitrary image

This example loads an image stored using, but this is applicable to images stored in any format that can eventually be represented as a numpy array in python. For example, you could also load image files stored in HDF5 format and load the numpy array that represents your image sequence.

import numpy as np

# clear the viewer work environment

a = np.load('/path_to_image.npy')

# check what the axes order is

# (1000, 512, 512) # for example
# looks like this is in [t, x, y]
# this can be transposed so we get [x, y, t]
# ImgData takes either [x, y, t] or [x, y, t, z] axes order

# Define a meta data dict
meta = \
        "origin":      "Tutorial example",
        "fps":         10.0,
        "date":        "20200629_171823",
        "scanner_pos": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

# Create ImgData instance
imgdata = ImgData(a.T, meta)  # use a.T to get [x, y, t]

# Create a work environment instance
work_env = ViewerWorkEnv(imgdata)

# Set the current Viewer Work Environment from this new instance
vi.viewer.workEnv = work_env

# Update the viewer with the new work environment
# this MUST be run whenever you replace the viewer work environment (the previous line)

This examples shows how you can import imaging data stored in an hdf5 file.

import h5py as h5py

#see h5py documentation, 'r' is for read

# find the name of the dataset object

# call the dataset object

#convert from h5 dataset to numpy array

a.shape #in t,x,y

type(a) # make sure it's a numpy array

meta = \
        "origin": "Tutorial example",
        "fps":    10.0,
        "date":    "20220602_cd036_000",
        "scanner_pos":  [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]

# Create ImgData instance
imgdata = ImgData(a.T, meta)  # use a.T to get [x, y, t] (time last)

# Create a work environment instance
work_env = ViewerWorkEnv(imgdata)

# Set the current Viewer Work Environment from this new instance
vi.viewer.workEnv = work_env

# Update the viewer with the new work environment
# this MUST be run whenever you replace the viewer work environment (the previous line)

Image data

Image sequences are simply numpy arrays. For example extract the image sequence between frame 1000 and 2000.

.. seealso:: `Numpy array indexing <>`_

# Get the current image sequence
seq = get_image()

# Trim the image sequence
trim = seq[:, :, 1000:2000]

# Set the viewer work environment image sequence to the trim one
vi.viewer.workEnv.imgdata.seq = trim

# Update the GUI with the new work environment

View analysis log

View the analysis log, such as batch manager processing history.

>>> get_workEnv().history_trace

[{'caiman_motion_correction': {'max_shifts_x': 32, 'max_shifts_y': 32, 'iters_rigid': 1, 'name_rigid': 'Does not matter', 'max_dev': 20, 'strides': 196, 'overlaps': 98, 'upsample': 4, 'name_elas': 'a1_t2', 'output_bit_depth': 'Do not convert', 'bord_px': 5}}, {'cnmfe': {'Input': 'Current Work Environment', 'frate': 10.0, 'gSig': 10, 'bord_px': 5, 'min_corr': 0.9600000000000001, 'min_pnr': 10, 'min_SNR': 1, 'r_values_min': 0.7, 'decay_time': 2, 'rf': 80, 'stride': 40, 'gnb': 8, 'nb_patch': 8, 'k': 8, 'name_corr_pnr': 'a8_t1', 'name_cnmfe': 'a1_t2', 'do_corr_pnr': False, 'do_cnmfe': True}}, {'cnmfe': {'Input': 'Current Work Environment', 'frate': 10.0, 'gSig': 10, 'bord_px': 5, 'min_corr': 0.9600000000000001, 'min_pnr': 14, 'min_SNR': 1, 'r_values_min': 0.7, 'decay_time': 4, 'rf': 80, 'stride': 40, 'gnb': 8, 'nb_patch': 8, 'k': 8, 'name_corr_pnr': '', 'name_cnmfe': 'a1_t2', 'do_corr_pnr': False, 'do_cnmfe': True}}]

Running scripts

You can use the :ref:`Script Editor <module_ScriptEditor>` to run scripts in the Viewer console for automating tasks such as batch creation. It basically allows you to use the :ref:`viewer console <ViewerConsole>` more conveniently with a text editor. The execution environment of the viewer console and script editor are identical.

Some example are provided for caiman modules and :ref:`stimulus mapping <module_StimulusMapping>`.