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Kuttors DotFiles

Dotfiles... do you love automating them as much as I do? Well if you do, you're in luck!

This is a one and done kinda approach. I am a Senior DevOps Engineer and so automation is extremely important to me, also quick fast terminals.

This is that. If you have any questions ask... this has been years and years of trials and tribulations. Testing. Finding what works what doesn't.

Main packages that will be installed and configured:

  • Zsh
  • Zinit
  • Brew

Supporting packages:

  • ack
  • ansible
  • ansible-lint
  • bat
  • bind
  • coreutils
  • curl
  • diff-so-fancy
  • exa
  • fd
  • fortune
  • fx
  • fzf
  • fzy
  • git
  • go
  • howdoi
  • htop
  • hub
  • jq
  • jsonlint
  • lua
  • molecule
  • neovim
  • nmap
  • rename
  • ripgrep
  • shellcheck
  • shfmt
  • ter
  • terraform
  • tflint
  • the_platinum_searcher
  • tmux
  • tree
  • wget
  • yamllint


*** Compatible with MacOSX only *** *** Sudo access required ***