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List of possible commands in property descriptions (gtanslate version)

Dmitry Rogozhin edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 5 revisions
  • Sync_flag- specifies a flag property that allows you to disable synchronization for this element.

Synchronization within the properties of a single object

  • Sync_from{PARAMETER NAME} - copying the value of the GDL parameter to the property (property name in Latin, look in the GDL editor)

  • Sync_from{PARAMETER NAME, IGNORED VALUES} - the same, but with the ability to set values that do not need to be recorded

  • Sync_from{description:PARAMETER DESCRIPTION_} - copying the value of the GDL parameter to the property (the display name of the GDL parameter, may be Cyrillic)

  • Sync_from{description:PARAMETER DESCRIPTION_, IGNORED VALUES} - the same, but with the ability to set values that do not need to be recorded

  • Sync_from{Property:GROUPNAME/PROPERTY NAME} - copying the value of another parameter

  • Sync_from{Property:GROUP_NAME/PROPERTY_NAME, IGNORED VALUES} - the same, but with the ability to set values that do not need to be recorded

  • Sync_from{IFC:PROPERTY_NAME} - copies the value of the IFC property

  • Sync_to{id} - copies the property value to the element ID

  • v1.6 Sync_to{PARAMETER NAME} - copies the property value to the GDL parameter of the element

v1.6 Coordinate processing

Handles the following types - Window, Door, Wall, Beam, Column, Object, Zone

  • Sync_from{symb_pos_x}, Sync_from{symb_pos_y}, Sync_from{symb_pos_z} - getting element coordinates

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_x}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_y}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_z} - getting the coordinates of the element (new version, compatible with the previous entry)

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_sx}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_sy} - coordinates of the beginning of the element

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_ex}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_ey} - coordinates of the end of the element

  • Sync_from{Coord:north_dir} - the angle between the element and the north of the project

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle}

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_mod5}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_mod10}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_mod45}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_mod90}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_mod180}

Checking for the presence of a fractional part in coordinates/angle

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_x_correct}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_y_correct}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_correct}

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_sx_correct}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_sy_correct}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_ex_correct}, Sync_from{Coord:symb_pos_ey_correct}

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_fraction} - fractional part of the rotation angle

  • Sync_from{Coord:symb_rotangle_correct} - presence of a fractional part at the rotation angle of the element

v1.6 Entry in the properties of the project location data

  • Sync_from{Glob:GLOB_NORTH_DIR}




  • Sync_from{Glob:GLOB_SUN_AZIMUTH}

  • Sync_from{Glob:GLOB_SUN_ALTITUDE}

v1.6 Entry in project information

* Sync_to{info:PROPERTY_NAME} - Writing the property value to the user property of the project information. It works only when all elements are synchronized, or when selected elements are synchronized.

v1.6 Processing of morof lines

  • Sync_from{Morph:L} - total length of the morph line

  • Sync_from{Morph:Lx}, Sync_from{Morph:Ly}, Sync_from{Morph:Lz} - length along the corresponding axis

  • Sync_from{Morph:Max_x}, Sync_from{Morph:Max_y}, Sync_from{Morph:Max_z} - maximum coordinate

  • Sync_from{Morph:Min_x}, Sync_from{Morph:Min_y}, Sync_from{Morph:Min_z} - minimum coordinate

  • Sync_from{Morph:A}, Sync_from{Morph:B}, Sync_from{Morph:ZZYZX} - similar to the dimensions of the bibl. element, can be used to output overall dimensions

Processing of structure composition

  • Sync_from{Material:Layers; " STRING_ TEMPLATE "}

  • v1.6 Sync_from{Material:Layers,NUMBER_PEN; " STRING_SHABLON "} - to extract information about the composition of the multilayer profile at the intersection with the line with the specified pen number. The order of the layers output is determined by the location of the circle.

Synchronization of properties of hierarchical structures (fencing, curtain wall, elements in the zone)

Similarly to synchronization within a single element, with the addition of the suffix _sub, for example Sync_from_sub{Property:GROUPNAME/PROPERTY NAME}, recorded in the curtain wall will read the property from the nested element (panel, frame, accessory). Sync_to_sub{Property:GROUP_NAME/PROPERTY_NAME} works similarly

Reset the property value to the default value

  • `Sync_reset' - Resets the property everywhere - in the placed elements, in favorites, on layouts - everywhere. Synchronization of the reset property is disabled while Sync_reset is in the description

Size rounding

Create a new property named Addon_Dimensions in the project information. Write rules with a separator ;

Possible values:




The search is based on the contents of the layer name, i.e. you can write only part of the name. All sizes that are not multiples of the specified value change color to PER_TEXT_IMENDED. If the content change flag is zero, the text will not be replaced.

For example, ".KJ" - 5, 20, 0 will highlight (but not change) all sizes not multiples of 5mm lying on the layer containing ".QJ" will be highlighted in red (pen 20)


  • Renum_flag{property name with rule}
  • Renum_flag{property name with rule ; NULL} (if the property with the position is text and it is necessary to add zeros to the position taking into account the breakdown)
  • v1.6 Renum_flag{property name with the rule ; SPACE} (if the property with the position is text and it is necessary to add spaces to the position taking into account the breakdown)
  • Renum_flag{property name with the rule ; ALLNULL} (if the property with the position is text and it is necessary to add zeros to the position WITHOUT taking into account the breakdown)

The data type of the flag property:

  • Compliance criterion (TRUE/FALSE)

  • v1.6 A set of parameters with the values Add, Renumber, Exclude

Property for a position in one of the formats

  • Renum{criterion property name}
  • Renum{criterion property name; breakdown property name}

v1.6 Instead of the criterion property and the breakdown property, the parameters of library elements can be used


Numerical values are summed up, text values are combined only unique values. By default, the separator is a semicolon. The summation flag is not required, the values of all selected elements are summed up.

  • Sum{summable property; criterion property}
  • Sum{summable property; criterion property; separator} to specify a separator other than ;