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Simulator API

MINOS uses WebSockets for communication between the server and client modules.

A typical communication flow:

  1. Initialize and start the simulator using the start message.
  2. Run simulator by sending action messages and processing the returned observations.
  3. Send reset message to reset simulator state and rerun using action.
  4. Send a configure message to load new scene and start to start acting in the environment.
  5. Send a close message to terminate simulation.


The environment, agent and sensor configurations can be specified through preset configuration files under the minos/config directory. Finer or dynamic configuration can be implemented by direct API calls, but these files are a good start for familiarization with the overall configuration space.

API functions

The simulator API is implemented in minos/lib/ The main functions have pydoc strings, and are also described below.

  1. init

    Initializes the simulator (called once). See configure for configuration options.

  2. start

    Resets and starts the simulation (initializes the simulator if not already initialized). See configure for configuration options. Call start after any major configuration changes such as scene change.

  3. configure

    Reconfigures the simulator. All old configuration parameters are kept, only changes to configuration need to be specified.


      agent: { ... },         # Agent options (see agent configuration section)
      scene: { fullId: ... }, # Load options for scene
      observations: {         # What type of observations to return (requires corresponding sensor specification)
        color: true,
        forces: false,
        objects: false,
        depth: false,
        audio: false,
        map: false
      sensors: [              # Sensor specification array (see sensor configuration section)
      start: 'random',        # Start state
      goal:  'random',        # Goal state (see goal configuration)
      navmap: {               # Navigation map configuration

    Agent configuration

         eyeHeight: 1.09                   # m height eye level
         radius: 0.1                       # 10cm radius cylinder
         mass: 32.0                        # agent mass in kg
         coeffRestitution: 0.0             # ratio of relative velocity before and after collision in direction of collision normal
         stepAcceleration: 20.0            # base linear acceleration for steps in m/s^2
         maxSpeed: 2.0                     # maximum agent linear speed in m/s
         linearFriction: 0.5               # coefficient of friction applied to linear speed every step (k in F=-k*m*v/dt)
         turnAcceleration: 12.5663706144   # turn acceleration in rad/s^2
         maxAngularSpeed: 12.5663706144    # maximum turn rate in rad/s
         angularFriction: 1.0              # coefficient of angular friction applied every step (k in tau=-k*m*w/dt)
         radialClearance: 0.2              # clearance to leave from center of agent for shortest path computations

    Scene configuration

          fullId: "mp3d.17DRP5sb8fy",                            # id of scene to load  
          archOnly: false,                                       # (optional) include objects or just load the scene
          retexture: false,                                      # (optional) retexturing of scene
          hideCategories: ["plant", "door", "person"],           # (optional) array of categories to hide (default is none)
          level: 0,                                              # (optional) restrict loading to only specified house level
          room:  0                                               # (optional) restrict loading to only specified room

    Sensor configuration

    Sensor configurations are specified in a "sensors" array where each member has the following structure:

          name: "name",                                     # readable name for this sensor (group)
          type: "color|semantic|normal|depth|force|audio",
          configuration: "positional|radial|radial-group",  # type of position provided
          position: [[x0,y0,z0], [r0,y0,t0], ...],          # position of each sensor element in agent-centric coordinate frame (+x=right, +y=up, -z=forward). For radial, given as radius, height, theta ccw from +z). For radial-group, specifies origin of radial disk.
          orientation: [[x0,y0,z0], ...],                   # orientation of each sensor element in agent-centric coordinate frame.  For radial group, specifies orientation of first element, subsequent ones are rotated around the up axis.
          radial: [r,k,thetaStart,thetaEnd],                # Required for radial-group: radius, number of points, angle start and end measured ccw from +z
          resolution: [w0,h0]                               # resolution of sensor (width,height) for rgb|depth, or (timeInSec) for audio, or (dx,dy,dz) for force
          # sensor-specific encoding of return data
          encoding: "rgba|gray|objectId|objectType|roomId|roomType|xyza|depth|raw_contact|pcm"

    Start state configuration

    Default is random position on floor (sampled uniformly from positions where agent can stand).

    Goal configuration

    Default is random which selects a random navigatable position.

    To specify a point as a goal (with radius r as a distance threshold):

       { 'position': [x, y, z], 'radius': r }

    To specify object categories as goals and select a random instance of the category as the goal:

       { 'categories': ['arch', 'door'], 'select': 'random' }

    To specify room types as goals and select a random room of the category as the goal:

       { 'roomTypes': ['bedroom', 'bathroom'], 'select': 'random' }

    To specify instances of a model id as a goal, and select the closest from start as the goal:

       { 'modelIds': ['', '3dw.efg...'], 'select': 'closest' }

    To specify a specific object id as a goal:

       { 'objectIds': ['0_12'] }

    To specify a specific room id as the goal:

       { 'roomIds': ['0_1'] }

    Navigation map

    A navigation map can be used in the simulator to provide walkable tiles and shortest path computations. Recomputation of the navigation map can be slow so it is disabled by default.

       recompute: undefined,    // true = force recomputing instead of using precomputed navigation map
                                //        otherwise, precomputed navigation map is loaded if available
                                //        if not available, falls back to recomputing the navigation map
       autoUpdate: false        // Whether to automatically update shortest path computation on step
  4. action

    Performs specified action with given input arguments. See Agent section below for list of actions supported.

    Action object

      name: 'forwards',          # Name of action
      distance: 1                # Additional arguments to action (action specific)

    Return object

      "time": 1.5,  # time in seconds since start of current episode
      "collision": true,  # whether a collision between the agent and environment was detected this step
      "observation": {
        "sensors": [  # returned observations for all active sensors
          { "name": "rgb1", "frame": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,d], "encoding": "rgba", ... },
          { "name": "force1", [fx0,fy0,fz0,...], "shape": [k,n,3], "encoding": "raw_contact", ... },
          { "name": "objectmask", "frame": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,1], "encoding": "indexed",
            "index": [object ids], "counts": {index to count}, },
          { "name": "audio1", "frame": [buffer], "shape": [k,n], "encoding": "pcm", ... }
        "measurements": {  # returned non-sensor measurements (goal distance and direction)
          "distance_to_goal": [d0,d1,...],
          "offset_to_goal": [dx0,dy0,dz0,dx1,dy1,dz1,...],
          "direction_to_goal": [dx0,dy0,dz0,dx1,dy1,dz1,...],
          "shortest_path_to_goal": {"distance": d, "direction": [dx,dy,dz]}
        "roomInfo": {  # current room information
          "id": "0_1",
          "roomType": "Bathroom"
        "map": {  # top-down map image with shortest path plotted
          "data": [pixels], "shape": [w,h,4]
      "info": {
        "agent_state": {"position": [x,y,z], "orientation":[dx,dy,dz]},  # current agent state
      "success": false,  # whether this step ended with success for the episode task
      "measurements": [m0, m1, m2, m3, ...]  # arbitrary measurement values returned by measurement_fun function specified in config
  5. reset

    Resets the simulator to an initial state.

  6. close

    Closes the current connection with the simulator server


Actions supported by default agent:

  # Generic actions
  { name: 'idle' }
  { name: 'moveTo', position: <vector3>, angle: <radians> }
  # Movement
  { name: 'forwards', strength: <multiplier> }
  { name: 'backwards', strength: <multiplier> }
  { name: 'strafeLeft', strength: <multiplier> }
  { name: 'strafeRight', strength: <multiplier> }
  # Rotation
  { name: 'turnLeft', strength: <multiplier> }
  { name: 'turnRight', strength: <multiplier> }
  # Look
  { name: 'lookUp', angle: <radians> }
  { name: 'lookDown', angle: <radians> }