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A perl-based log parsing framework, and a grid job statistics reporter for Nordugrid ARC

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This package contains gmjobs-metrics-exporter, a script that can parse NorduGrid ARC GridManager logs (ARC CE) and SLURM batch manager (LRMS) and insert the extracted information in a MySQL database in the format understood by APEL, the EGI accounting service. In this way, it can be used to post grid accounting data from ARC frontends using the APEL gLite service.

This package is build on top of Loggator, a beginning of a generic log parsing framework. Eventually, it is hoped the script will be replaced with the parsing framework and some hooks called from the script.

This package has the following dependecies (all of which are perl packages, installable as distribution packages on most distributions:

  • YAML

  • Date::Time

  • DBD::MySQL (and DBI)


The script and its package should be installed on the NorduGrid ARC frontend whose logs it will parse, or, alternatively, have access to the log file over a network filesystem. Please note that the script will be a long-running process with a slow and unidirectional file access pattern.

It can be installed manually or using the provided Makefile. The default installation location is /opt/gmjobs-metrics-exporter/ The provided example configuration files use this location.

To install with the provided Makefile:

make install

Please note that this installs only a default set-up for ARC processing. If you also want to use SLURM processing, you have to make sure slurm is installed on the machine where the script will run, and the sacct command is available.


DB Access

Before usage, you need to set the MySQL database connection information to allow connection to the database instance used by APEL - they are set in


Please note that the config file is a YAML file, so indentation and whitespace is meaningful.

At this point, you should also permit the connection at the MySQL server, perhaps using something like that in the mysql command-line interface on the server:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON accounting.* TO 'accounting'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password123';

Please make sure that the config file is not world-readable since it will contain the DB password.

Site Information

In addition, you have to set the site information needed to transform the data in a format that APEL can understand:



You can change the location of the ARC GridManager log file by editing the log parser configuration file:


The value that defines the location of the log file is 'logfile', on the first line:

- logfile: /var/log/gm-jobs.log

The rest of this config file defines the behaviour of the log parser itself. The behaviour is defined by two structures inside the standar pattern definition, namely the @re array, which is a list of regular expressions defining a perl 5.8-compatible named-capture regular expression (with non-named parts prefixed with _), and the %tags hash.

The tags hash contains key-value pairs, which specify the target named capture and a regular expression. If the named capture exists and the expression matches, the tag is applied to the match. This mechanism is used to identify the meaning of the different log entries, such as start, finish, success, failure, job-type etc. (While this mechanism is generic and effective, it is a bit slow and overcomplicated for this application.)

Please note that this script does not support any logrotation. It is possible to use one of the several CPAN solutions, but none has been implemented at this point. If you need this feature, contributions are welcome.


If you also want to use SLURM processing, you have to make sure slurm is installed on the machine where the script will run, and the sacct command is available.

Slurm log definition is not installed by default, but is available under examples/log.available/slurm.log. No customisation should be needed. To enable it, simply compy the file into your .rc directory. With the default setup, this would be the relevant command:

cp examples/log.available/slurm.log /opt/gmjobs-metrics-exporter/gmjobs-metrics-exporter.rc

If you have been using this script previously and have only now added slurm processin, you might want the script to process old records in addition to the ones newer than the state file, which is the default procedure. You can use the --from flag to specify a starting date. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format, please. You should probalby copy and the default parameters from the script you are using to remain consistent with the previous runs.


For the first run, you have to specify the -s option to create a status file, and the -r option to force the reparsing of the file since the status file does not exist yet. At later invocations, the status file will be used so that the script will restart parsing at the point where it stopped the last time. Please note that the script starts with the last line parsed, so that it should usually skip at least the first line as its information has been already inserted in the database.

For the first run, you can copy and perhaps edit the start-up script provided in examples/scripts/


For the regular runs, you should run the script as a daily cron job. Examples and a short explanation are provided in examples/cron.d/, see examples/cron.d/README. Please note that the cron job is best run after the daily PBS parser APEL job on the batch server and before the APEL posting job on the main APEL instance, since this makes sure that your daily statistics will be published to the central accounting database timely.

After posting, APEL should mark the posted entries by changing the value 'Processed' from '0' to '1'.


Surely many, but among other things:

  • no logrotate support

  • no support for user->VO mapping since gmjob.log does not include FQAN - but this can be worked around with the use of sensible local group names that APEL understands, or setting up APEL with suitable mappings

  • should terminate gracefully on SIGHUP, writing a state-file

  • no -C option to insert a limited number of entries, needed at startup, debugging etc.


Under examples/, you can find parsing configuration files for PBS logs and gridftpd logs. While they have absolutely nothing to do with accounting at this point, you might want to take a look at them and use the Loggator infrastructure for a different application. Good luck ;-)


This script is a work in progress, improvements are welcome.


A perl-based log parsing framework, and a grid job statistics reporter for Nordugrid ARC






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