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GSERM St Gallen 2024 June

Software requirements

This course requires R, R-studio both freely available.

Additionally on day 4, we will explore programmatic requests to "local LLMs". This requires LM-Studio. However students with Intel Macs cannot use this software. Only Mac M1,2,3, Windows and Linux machines are supported. Students with this issue should install Ollama as an alternative. If you use Ollama instead of lm-studio, you will have to adjust our class code based on the example below and possibly install a user interface such as webui

Students with older computers, old GPUs or a small amount of RAM, may not be able to execute this portion of the lesson

For students needing Ollama (less preferred), download it then perform the tasks at the end of this readme.

Packages for R

R is customized for specific functions using libraries or packages. In this class we will use the following packages. Once you have R and R studio installed run the following command in your console. Don't worry if you struggle, on day 1 we will set aside time to help though we aren't performing technical support.

# Install library pacman

# Use pacman to install other libraries)
pacman::p_load(ggplot2, ggthemes, stringi, stringr, tm, qdapRegex, dplyr, tidyverse, igraph, networkD3, wordcloud, RColorBrewer, ggwordcloud, wordcloud2, echarts4r, plotrix, gplots, tidytext, radarchart, textdata, tidyr, lubridate, tm # displays the emojis correctly, emoji # Get the emoji lexicon or load one manually, emojifont # another emoji  to explore, textclean #another one!, mgsub #used for substitutions, qdap #emoticons functions, sentimentr, lexicon #lexicon::available_data, SentimentAnalysis, httr, jsonlite, vtreat, ModelMetrics, MLmetrics, pROC, text2vec, caret, glmnet, lsa, yardstick, cluster, factoextra, clue, kmed, skmeans, irlba, lexicon, plyr, sylcount)


GSERM St Gallen 2024 June






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