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MobileNode for iOS

This repository contains the CocoaPod which powers the MobileNode (Check out the companion node.js repo here). This framework creates a JavaScript execution context in a native app for iOS (and could potentially also for for OS X, though that hasn't been tested at all).


Until things settle down, I won't be writing a lot of documentation. I do pinky swear, however, to provide useful API docs and guides ASAHP.

Usage (Short Version)

MobileNode requires that your native iOS project be using Cocoapods. To create a Cocoapods enabled iOS app project with Xcode, check out their documentation. The short version is this:

The native part:

  • Terminal: gem install cocoapods
  • Terminal: pod setup
  • Create an iOS project through Xcode
  • Navigate to the location of the .xcodeproj folder Xcode created in the Terminal
  • Create a file called Podfile with the following:
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'MobileNode', :git => 'git://'
  • Run pod install
  • Open the Cocoapods-enabled Xcode Workspace (use this from now on): open *xcworkspace (You may need to quit Xcode first - Xcode is an a-hole sometimes)

The node part

  • Install node.js
  • Run npm install -g mobilenode
  • create a file app.js with the following: alert('hello mobile node!');
  • Run mnode serve app.js

The native part (again)

  • In your Xcode Workspace, open your iOS app's app delegate (it will be XXXAppDelegate.m)
  • At the top, add #import "MobileNode.h"
  • In application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, add the following: [MobileNode developOnHost:@"localhost" port:8080];
  • Run your app in the iOS simulator
  • High five your co-worker

Now, whenever you change your node.js code, changes will be streamed immediately to the simulator and run in a new JS context - a bit like hitting refresh in the browser.


Lots. Still super crude by any reasonable estimation. Still need:

  • Native implementations of core node.js modules
  • Define how best for native modules to hook into MobileNode
  • Explore options for debugging the JSCore environment
  • Create Xcode project templates preconfigured with Podfile and some app types (SpriteKit)
  • API docs and guides


A small node.js-like runtime environment for native iOS apps







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