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Shannon Carver edited this page Sep 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

The TL;DR Masternode Set up Guide

DANGER WILL ROBINSON These instructions are provided AS IS with no warranty whatsoever. It is possible that this guide will not work or will require additional changes on your part. We make no claims on the fitness of this software and are providing this for informational purposes only.

To begin we are going to tun our arc masternode inside of a Linux Container because it is more secure to run it this way. Let’s start by updating the server and installing some essential programs:

yum -y update
yum -y install git docker-compose
git clone
mkdir -p /crypto/arcticcoin
cd arcticoind-docker/

In this file we want to change where the Linux Container looks for it’s configuration information to include the pathname /crypto/arcticcoin

nano docker-compose.yml

Now copy the example arc configuration file to where it will permanently reside on this server:

cp arcticcoin.conf.example /crypto/arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf

We need to create a random password to run the arc service securely:

date "+%s" | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 64 ; echo

copy the long values and add it to the correct fields for username and password inside this file:

nano /crypto/arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf

A complete working config for the arcticcoin.conf file is:

#txindex will record every transaction from the blockchain to your offline db
#it's an optional thing. It takes a lot longerr to sync that way 0 if you don't care

Now that the arc configuration is setup we will download and install the arc container:

docker-compose up -d

Now we login to the container and create the masternode:

docker-compose exec daemon bash

Create and view the arc private key

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf goldminenode genkey

View arc public key and send exactly 1000 arc to the address made with this command:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf getaccountaddress mn1

The funds will arrive in a minute or so. When they arrive copy the output of this string:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf goldminenode outputs

after you save these values, exit from the container with the following command:


Now we add the values we just created into the wallet for the node. Make a new line based on the values in the Example. Get a copy the server’s public internet facing IP address, change the Port number to 7209, copy the private key and goldminenode outputs string into a single line in this file. (note: this is on the host’s filesystem, not inside the container)

Get the computer IP address and put it into the file below::

ip addr
nano /crypto/arcticcoin/goldminenode.conf

A working config for goldminenode.conf is:

mn1 your_server_ip:7209 private_key tx_id_number 1

Now restart the container:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

Log back into the container:

docker-compose exec daemon bash

Check node status:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf goldminenode list-conf

If after running the list-conf command NEW_START_REQUIRED and MISSING means something is wrong. ENABLED and PRE_ENABLED means it is working however PRE_ENABLED should change into ENABLED within an hour. If you got this far congratulations this how to guide is finished!

You should start getting payouts in 3-4 days:

List transactions:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf listtransactions`

Get balance:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf getbalance

To send the funds to another arc address use the command:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf sendtoaddress help


arcticcoin-cli sendtoaddress "Xwn8BnAAnFnA01nj1lzpA1V02X57Pwg" 1000.1 "<reason / description>" "<name of account sent to>"

Note/Danger: Check/Recheck and Check again that the address is correct!!!

How to get the private key from a public key:

arcticcoin-cli -conf=/home/arcticcoin/.arcticcoin/arcticcoin.conf dumpprivkey


You can sign up for virtual server provider with this link: they accept Bitcoin payments. The authors used this link to setup the server.

A masternode will require a unique public Internet facing IP to function properly so it is not possible to easily run multiple containers on the same server however if you know what you are doing you could try that out.

Cold Wallet (Separate Master Node and Wallet Node)

Although it is entirely possible to run your wallet on the same node as the masternode it is highly not recommended. The software, server, or VPS provider may become compromised and lead to losing your funds. Create a coldwallet on a separate server (preferably on a different platform and or location!) to collect the funds.

To get clues on debugging issues use: tail -f /crypto/arcticcoin/debug.log

Note it appears that Vultr docker hosts cannot run the masternode and goldmine on the same host due to issues with the software unable to communicate to itself with the externalip.

You may wish to install fail2ban or limit IP access to your nodes, that is out of scope for this guide.

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