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维格表(官方JavaScript SDK, 让你轻松集成维格表的 可视化API数据库能力. Vika is a API-based SaaS database platform for users and developers, Java SDK for connecting vikadata Open API.


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Vikadata™ Java SDK (
Java Client Library for the Vikadata OpenAPI

LGPL-2.1 Maven Central Build JavaDoc

简体中文 | English

Vika Official Java SDK

Vikadata™ Java API ( provides a full featured and easy to consume Java library for working with vikadata via the Vikadata OpenAPI.


Java Version Requirement

Java 8+ is required to use sdk. not support Java 8 below

Getting Started


  • Maven
  • Gradle
dependencies {
  ... ...

Usage Example

vika java client is quite simple to use, you don't need to set api url, all you need is the Personal Api Key from your vika account settings page. Once you have that info it is as simple as:

First, you need to set api credential which belong your personal api key.

ApiCredential credential=new ApiCredential("Your API Key");

Then, Init client instance

VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient(credential);

By default, the API client has been added for setting connect and read timeouts, you can also change:

// Set the connect timeout to 8 second and the read timeout to 9 seconds
VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient(credential)

As private deployment user, you can also change host url

VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient("http://ip:port", credential);

Query Record

Most simple usage for query record quickly

// Get 10 records on first page
List<Record> records = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheetId", 1, 10);

Pager Resulting

API client provides an easy way to use paging mechanism to page through lists of results from the Open API. Below code are a couple of examples on how to use the Pager:

// Get a Pager instance that will page through the records with 100 record per page
Pager<Record> pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", 100);

// Iterate through the pages and print out the per record detail
while (pager.hasNext())) {
    for (Record record : {
        System.out.println(record.getRecordId() + " -: " + record.getFields());

you can also fetch all the items as a single list using a Pager instance:

// Get a Pager instance so we can load all the records into a single list, 100 record at a time:
Pager<Record> pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", 100);
List<Record> records = pager.all();

Java 8 Stream Support

also provide method that returns a Java 8 Stream.

// Pager as stream,support forEach、Group、Filter operation
Stream<Record> records = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecordsAsStream("datasheet_id");

// ex: extract record id to a list;

Advance Query

// build query condition
ApiQueryParam queryParam = new ApiQueryParam(1, 50)
            .withSort("fieldName", Order.DESC).withSort("fieldName", Order.ASC)
// query return pager result
Pager<Record> pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", queryParam);

Add Record

Class RecordMap is a key-value structure like Map<String, Object>, all thing you do is converting json to map, you can use convert util from sdk provide which is named JacksonConverter, you also can use jackson api build json structure data, more detail please reference unit test.

// Build Record Map by jackson api
ObjectNode fieldMap = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode()
        // simple data
        .put("fieldName", "string")
        .put("number", 1234);
        // sub tree node
        .set("city", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add("NewYork").add("Bejing"));
// put record map into fields key
ObjectNode fields = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().set("fields", fieldMap);
// only one record, warp record into array node
ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add(fields);
// convert json to Map List
List<RecordMap> recordMaps = JacksonConverter.unmarshalToList(RecordMap.class, arrayNode);
// create record request
CreateRecordRequest recordRequest = new CreateRecordRequest().withRecords(recordMaps);
// ok
List<Record> newRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().addRecords("datasheet_id", recordRequest);

Update Record

// Build update record model
UpdateRecord record = new UpdateRecord()
                // row record id from query result or add record result
                // single-text type field cell 
                .withField("SingleText", "ABC")
                // single-select type field cell, 
                // it can be set null or empty array if you want to clear field value: withField("Options", null)
                .withField("Options", Arrays.asList("LL", "NN"));
// new Request model
UpdateRecordRequest updateRecordRequest = new UpdateRecordRequest()
// request send
List<Record> updateRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().updateRecords("datasheet_id", updateRecordRequest);

Delete Record

// DELETE one record only
vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().deleteRecord("datasheet_id", "recXXXXXX");

// DELETE many record
vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().deleteRecords("datasheet_id", Arrays.asList("recXXXXXX", "recXXXXXX"));

Upload Attachment

sdk provide several way to upload attachment, You can choose the way to upload anything that suits you

// classPath resource on src/main/resource/test.txt
ResourceLoader classPathResource = new ClassPathResourceLoader("test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", classPathResource);

// or url resource from web
ResourceLoader urlResource = new UrlResourceLoader(UrlUtil.url(""))
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", urlResource);

// or file resource
File file = new File("/Users/Document/test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", new FileResourceLoader(file));

// or upload file type directly
File file = new File("/Users/Document/test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", file);

Reporting Issues

Vika java sdk project uses GitHub's integrated issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests. If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below:

  • Before you log a bug, please search the issue tracker to see if someone has already reported the problem.
  • If the issue doesn't already exist, create a new issue.
  • Please provide as much information as possible with the issue report, we like to know the version of Spring Boot that you are using, as well as your Operating System and JVM version.
  • If you need to paste code, or include a stack trace use Markdown escapes before and after your text.


Open Source software released under the LGPL-2.1.


维格表(官方JavaScript SDK, 让你轻松集成维格表的 可视化API数据库能力. Vika is a API-based SaaS database platform for users and developers, Java SDK for connecting vikadata Open API.







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