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Model for finding a centerline distance map of blood vessel segmentations to then be fed into a graph minimum path extractor to find the centerlines of a vessel using PyTorch. It uses a Residual UNet (Convolutional AutoEncoder) type architecture.

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Centerline Extraction

Model for finding a centerline distance map of blood vessel segmentations to then be fed into a graph minimum path extractor to find the centerlines of a vessel using PyTorch. It uses a Residual UNet (Convolutional AutoEncoder) type architecture.

The file in the src directory and the models are defined in There is a helper file with some plotting functions, etc named

We make use of argparse here, so simply type python --help to see the potential training settings as such:

> python --help
usage: [-h] --name NAME [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR] --model MODEL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Name the model you are training.
  --epochs EPOCHS       Set max number of epochs.
  --lr LR, --learning-rate LR
                        Set the initial learning rate to be used with the reduced step scheduler.
  --model MODEL         Set which model to use. Options are pooling or striding.

Providing a name is required. --epochs default is 100 and --lr default is 1e-3. --model sets which approach to use, striding or pooling.

The file outputs a TensorBoard file in the runs/ directory with the name which you gave as input as seen above. Launch the TensorBoard session with tensorboard --logdir=runs from the main directory of this repo. A log file is output containing the training settings and test set performance metrics such as accuracy and F1 score in the logs/ directory. The model weights are saved on the last epoch into the trained_models/ directory named according to the name you provide when launching the training. The train file automatically detects if you have a CUDA enabled device and selects it for training with a fallback to the CPU.

Here is the report for the course this code was developed for.


Model for finding a centerline distance map of blood vessel segmentations to then be fed into a graph minimum path extractor to find the centerlines of a vessel using PyTorch. It uses a Residual UNet (Convolutional AutoEncoder) type architecture.






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