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Satus Framework for WordPress is a minimalist, LESS powered, mobile first responsive theme for developers based off of Satus Framework and inspired from Roots Theme.

Satus Framework is based off of the HTML5 Boilerplate.

I've opted to keep this theme minimal and as close to WordPress' default functionality as I could. As a result it uses WordPress' jQuery and it's code output isn't nice and clean but of course all of that can be modified by you, the mighty developer. If you desire to clean things up be sure to read How to Hide The Fact That You’re Using WordPress.



  • Theme wrapper.
  • Custom author page that supports bio, gravatar, social networking links. Google profile link uses [rel="me"] (Authorship markup video).
  • archive.php, category.php and tag.php support description.
  • Custom search results page.
  • Editor CSS file.
  • HTML output cleanup on gallery and images with captions. Gallery uses ul and images with captions use figure and figcaption.
  • Custom template tags and shortcodes.
  • Supports child themes.
  • Nav menu supports description and contains classes and data attributes for Twitter Bootstrap's dropdowns if needed.
  • Front page switches to full width if a page is selected.
  • [Posts pagination](( from WP-Snippets.
  • Included page template page-elements.php with sample typography and form elements for quick styling.
  • Included page template page-grid.php with grid examples and documentaion.



See inc/config.php to enable and disable theme functionality, define constants that are used throughout the theme, edit itemscope body tag and edit the post protected password form.

Template Tags

  • satus_short_title(20) Use to truncate the title if needed.
  • satus_the_excerpt(40,'characters', true, 'read more', 'excerpt') Allows for multiple excerpt lengths in theme using either words or characters, optional read more link, ability to change read more text and ability to change the excerpt class.
  • is_tree(id) Checks to see if pages are children or grand-children of the entered id.


  • [youtube id="YE7VzlLtp-4" ratio="widescreen"] [vimeo id="6284199" ratio="widescreen"] Use these YouTube and Vimeo shortcodes for fuid videos. If ratio="widescreen" is not used it defaults to 4:3.
  • [field name="name-of-your-custom-field"] Add iframes, image maps, html etc, via custom fields and this shortcode.
  • [html tag="article" atr='class="cool"'] [close-html tag="article"] This allows for adding custom wrapper html tags with attributes. To properly use these make sure they are on lines/paragraphs by themselves.
  • [row class=""], [end-row], [column width="1of2" class=""], [end-column] For using the grid in the editor. To properly use these make sure they are on lines/paragraphs by themselves.

Child Theme Minimum Required Folders and Files

  • assets/
  • inc/ with config.php and enqueue.php ONLY


The only item that I see that could cause an issue is in config.php. The post protected form output is modified and this could potentially cause an issue on a WordPress update but I would think that is highly unlikely to happen.

Project Information


Thanks to the open source web community's contributions as this project simply would not be possible for me alone.