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Uses React and Firebase to create and display community listings for tabletop role-playing games. Come on in and find your new favourite game.

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RPG Notice Board app

A tiled list of TTRPG that are being planned or played, and some key details about them.

Minimum Viable Product

The MVP is for a user to be able to add and remove games on the 'notice board' by submitting a form with the name of their game/activity and contact info, that persists via Firebase.


[create some dummy data] e.g.: randomIndex#1 { title: "A Vale of Veggies", system: "Dungeons & Dragons 5e", synopsis: "A band of anthropomorphic vegetable outlaws mount a resistance against the oppressive Baron d'Aubergine." startedBy: "Kyle" ! additional data on stretch ! minPlayers: 3, maxPlayers: 7, open: true, started: false, expectedLength: "6-10 sessions", sessionLength: "", venue: "Online" }

[connect firebase to the app in a component]


Display the current list of available games on the page -a- Set up an empty state (array) that will hold the list of games -b- Get the data from Firebase -i- useEffect to retrieve data on page load, adding a listener .on(value, ... -ii- Store the data in state array -c- Write JSX that maps the array and puts a tile for each game on the page (?) could be a component, send data as props -i- assign key at top level


Let the user add new game listings to the database -a- Add a form with the required fields: game & contact (strtech: add more fields) (stretch: a button for a form modal) X -b- Capture the users form input(s) -i- Set up a state object to capture the different form inputs -ii- Capture change events in each input and store to the state object -iii- Connect state to form value >> controlled inputs -c- On submit, push the object to firebase (and therefore to the page) -i- Clear the form (and close modal)


Add a button that lets user delete a game listing from the database -a- Add a button to the JSX for each tile -b- Send the key to a handle function -i- Write a function that finds the matching object in the database and removes them

Stretch Goals


X Add animation & accesibility to delete buttons X Move main and & aside into components X Make the form a modal pop-up X - Create 'add game' button, toggle display Import icons for delete buttons? X Convert main section to grid layout X Add responsive design X Add warning catch on delete button X Add authentication on form fields


i. Accessibility in SubmitListing modal

  • add 'esc' key option X lock keyboard into tab cycle ?? autofocus on render

X ii. Add second background for small screens?

iii. Experiment with grid to make tiles more economically sized X - filter gameList on import, based on length of synopsis X - add a property to those with long entries (35-50+ words?) X - in add a class to the li when "long = true" X - add a css class that sets grid-column to span 2 (rows?) X - add the auto-fill dense attribute to the grid


Add a prompt at login for userName, and store in state, and autopopulate form name Add datalist for gameSystem input, populated by existing gameSystem responses x Add more gameObject properties and display

  • make an array of properties that is mapped where required to be generated?


X a. Add a gameObject property, players: [], and add info to each tile; X b. Add a button to each tile that adds userName to player array in database; i. Have function check against maxPlayers


a. Create a new object in Firebase, users: []; b. On page load prompt, compare userName to users array i. On duplicate, confirm ID or refuse name; ii. If new, add userName to users array; c. Add function to remove userName from a particular game player array (add/remove button)


Add conditional classes or other visual when game tiles, when min & maxPlayers met, or if game is closed


a. Collect userName & email at page load, add both as object/s to users: [], and store in currentUser state ? Research authentication/security for storing emails i. Add notify players button on each game that opens an email to all players


Search/filter function that can sort or show tiles by categories or other user queries


Offer a choice of icons for each new game, to infer genre or vibe (via font-awesome)


Add ability (via modal?) for owner to edit the different properties of their listings


Custom modal pop-ups for alert, confirm & prompt

Styling References

Background SVG

dark blue #001220 orange #FA7268 red #C62368

Palette Scheme

light grey #EEEEEE dark blue #222831 green #4F8A8B yellow #FBD46D


MONO: font-family: 'JetBrains Mono', monospace; HEADER: font-family: 'Ruda', sans-serif; BODY/P: font-family: 'Spartan', sans-serif;


Uses React and Firebase to create and display community listings for tabletop role-playing games. Come on in and find your new favourite game.







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