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142 lines (86 loc) · 6.4 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (86 loc) · 6.4 KB

How to use this code

Model weights

Model weights for all trained methods (FastFlow3D and ZeroFlow) and their ablations are provided in their own GitHub repo.

File system assumptions

Argoverse 2 Sensor Dataset

Somewhere on disk, have an argoverse2/ folder so that the downloaded files live inside


and generate the train and val supervision labels to


The Argoverse 2 Scene Flow generation script to compute ground truth flows for both train/ and val/.

Please note that when downloaded from the cloud, these files may have a different top level directory format (their stored format keeps changing); you can solve this by moving the files or symlinking the appropriate directories into a different tree. We have uploaded a prebuilt DockerHub image for running the generation script.

Argoverse 2 NSFP Pseudolabels (New!)

We provide the Argoverse 2 NSFP Pseudolabels for the Sensor split in the S3 bucket


and for our subsets of the Lidar split


Argoverse 2 Tiny Demo Dataset

To get started, we provide a directly downloadable tiny demo dataset (5.5MB).

argoverse2_tiny contains three subfolders:

  • argoverse2_tiny/val: a single sequence with the single frame pair
  • argoverse2_tiny/val_sceneflow: the supervised ground truth for this frame pair
  • argoverse2_tiny/val_supervised_out: the output of the forward pass of our FastFlow3D 1x model on the configs/fastflow3d/argo/ config with our supervised checkpoint, i.e.
python configs/fastflow3d/argo/ --checkpoint /efs/sceneflow_golden_weights/argo/supervised/supervised.ckpt

Visualizing these results with

python visualization/ 

produces the following visualization of the ego vehicle (the center is depicted as the 1m red ball) driving across a bridge with a car driving in the opposite direction.


Argoverse 2 LiDAR Dataset (For ZeroFlow XL)

Download the full Argoverse 2 LiDAR dataset (WARNING: this dataset is 5.6 Terabytes on disk) so that the downloaded files live inside


This dataset is enormous, so we subsample it down to the same number of problem pairs as provided by the Sensor train split, while maintaining the data diversity. We do this by taking point cloud pairs at regular intervals across all 20,000 trajectories drawn from the nominal train / val / test splits (NB: none of these sequences are labeled, and the train / val / test splits are notional for e.g. doing occupancy prediction; we simply use them as a homogeneous data source)

To create this subsampled dataset we generate symlinks to the full dataset, treating each frame pair as its own sequence of length 2 so that all of our data loaders work out of the box, using the script:

python data_prep_scripts/argo/ <path to argoverse2_lidar> <path to subset folder>

Waymo Open

Download Waymo Open v1.4.2 (earlier versions lack map information) and the scene Flow labels contributed by Scalable Scene Flow from Point Clouds in the Real World from the Waymo Open download page. We preprocess these files, both to convert them from an annoying proto file format to a standard Python format and to remove the ground points.

Do this using

  1. data_prep_scripts/waymo/ -- generate heightmaps in a separate folder used for ground removal
  2. data_prep_scripts/waymo/ -- extracts the points into a pickle format and removes the groundplane using the generated heightmaps

in the Waymo Open docker container.

Docker Images

This project has three different docker images for different functions.

Each image has an associated convinence script. You must edit this script to modify the mount commands to point to your Argoverse 2 / Waymo Open data locations. The -v commands are these mount commands. As an example,

-v `pwd`:/project

runs pwd inside the script, getting the current directory, and ensures that it's mounted as /project inside the container. You must edit the /efs/ mount, i.e.

-v /efs:/efs 

so that the source points to the containing folder of your argoverse2/ and waymo_open_processed_flow/ directories. As an example, on our cluster I have ~/datasets/argoverse2 and ~/datasets/waymo_open_processed_flow, so if I were to run this on our cluster I would modify these mounts to be

-v $HOME/datasets:/efs

It's important that, once inside the docker container, the path to the Argoverse 2 dataset is /efs/argoverse2/... and the path to Waymo Open is /efs/waymo_open_processed_flow/...

Main image:

Built with docker/Dockerfile [dockerhub]

Convenience launch script is ./ Make sure that Argoverse 2 and Waymo Open preprocessed are mounted inside a folder in the container as /efs.

Waymo preprocessing image:

Built with docker/Dockerfilewaymo [dockerhub]. Includes Tensorflow and other dependencies to preprocess the raw Waymo Open format and convert it to a standard format readable in the main image.

Convenience launch script is ./

AV2 challenge submission image:

Built with docker/Dockerav2 [dockerhub]. Based on the main image, but includes the AV2 API.

Convenience launch script is ./

Setting up the base system

The base system must have CUDA 11.3+ and NVidia Docker installed.