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96 lines (69 loc) · 4.4 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (69 loc) · 4.4 KB

Work in Progress

Why I Still Use Vim – freeCodeCamp

Vim won't make you a more productive developer - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

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|_   _|__   ___ | |___
  | |/ _ \ / _ \| / __|
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Why I always come back to vim

I get it. Your editor has better autocomplete. Your editor has better plugin management. Your editor has better syntax highlighting and theming.

I get it.

But what it does not have is the powerful combination of Buffers, Splits, and Tabs. I don't want or need an upside-down "L" shaped editor. I don't want a massive file tree explorer on the left side that when I click a file opens somewhere in the editor. I want to open a split, exactly where I want to open the file, open my tree view within that split, and open it right in that split.

vscode gives you up to 3 vertical splits, OR 3 horizontal splits. Totally sufficient when I am coding on my laptop, but most of my coding time is in front of a big monitor, and I can comfortably view 8 splits in vim (4 vertical, with 2 horizontal each).

Atom is much better with splits

I want to fuzzy-open easily from my open buffers, not just the recent 10 files I've visited.

And, no, I don't have any loyalty to vim or feel like my Schwartz is bigger than other nerds for using it. If this buffer/split/fileexplorer combination became available to vscode, I'd be there in a heart beat! Of course, then I might find something else that I miss too much from vim, like FZF, full control via keyboard, etc...

Vim tabs are like Mac's Spaces and virtual desktops. Splits are like windows, but they can show any of your apps - almost like tabbed browsers. In your split is an active buffer, which is like an open app. Open other apps with spotlight.

Oh, I also like... Projectionist, ace-mode, macros, the dot operator, ag, pattern folding, ...(add all others)

bagrat/vim-workspace: IDE-like Vim tabline

Vim Tab Madness. Buffers vs Tabs - Josh Davis

Vim After 15 Years | Ian Langworth’s Things of Variable Interest

vim-vinegar is the primary reason I use vim. It’s such a natural way to navigate through file hierarchies.




  • dst - delete surrounding tag
  • yitvatp=at

Multi-file search/replace: use Ferret

Wrap w/ tag:

  • ySit <Style_ background...
  • capital S for new line after. lower s for same line.
  • cst

    - replace tag w/

  • leader-p - fix indeting for whole file
  • visual: gC - block comment
  • gf - go to file
  • gn - select next search match <- very useful
  • ctrl-o - jump back
  • ctrl-i - jump forward
  • ^ - moves to start of line
  • == - fix line's indentation
  • K - Ag current word
  • \ - Ag


tmux integration

Dotfiles to copy