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k15r committed Mar 14, 2019
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/kyma/docs/
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ Follow these installation guides to install Kyma locally:
You can also install Kyma depending on the supported cloud providers:
- [Install Kyma on a GKE cluster](#installation-install-kyma-on-a-gke-cluster)
- [Install Kyma on an AKS cluster](#installation-install-kyma-on-an-aks-cluster)
- [Install Kyma on a GKE cluster with the wildcard DNS](#installation-install-kyma-on-a-gke-cluster-with-wildcard-dns)
- [Install Kyma on an AKS cluster with the wildcard DNS](#installation-install-kyma-on-an-aks-cluster-with-wildcard-dns)

Read rest of the installation documents to learn how to:
- [Install Kyma with Knative](#installation-installation-with-knative)
Expand Down
172 changes: 78 additions & 94 deletions docs/kyma/docs/
Expand Up @@ -3,52 +3,22 @@ title: Install Kyma on a GKE cluster
type: Installation

This Installation guide shows developers how to quickly deploy Kyma on a [Google Kubernetes Engine]( (GKE) cluster. Kyma is installed on a cluster using a proprietary installer based on a Kubernetes operator.
By default, Kyma is installed on a GKE cluster with a wildcard DNS provided by []( Alternatively, you can provide your own domain for the cluster.
This Installation guide shows developers how to quickly deploy Kyma on a [Google Kubernetes Engine]( (GKE) cluster. Kyma installs on a cluster using a proprietary installer based on a Kubernetes operator.

## Prerequisites
- A domain for your GKE cluster
- [Google Cloud Platform]( (GCP) project
- [Kubernetes]( 1.12
- Tiller 2.10.0 or higher
- [Docker](
- [Docker Hub]( account
- [gcloud](
- A domain for your GKE cluster (optional)

## Prepare the GKE cluster

1. Select a name for your cluster. Set the cluster name and the name of your GCP project as environment variables. Run:

2. Create a cluster in the `europe-west1` region. Run:
gcloud container --project "$PROJECT" clusters \
create "$CLUSTER_NAME" --zone "europe-west1-b" \
--cluster-version "1.12.5" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" \
--addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,KubernetesDashboard

3. Install Tiller on your GKE cluster. Run:

kubectl apply -f installation/resources/tiller.yaml

4. Add your account as the cluster administrator:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)

## DNS setup and TLS certificate generation
>**NOTE:** If you don't own a domain which you can use or you don't want to assign a domain to a cluster, see [this](#installation-install-kyma-on-a-gke-cluster-with-wildcard-dns) document which shows you how to create a cluster-based playground environment using a wildcard DNS provided by
>**NOTE:** Execute instructions from this section only if you want to use your own domain. Otherwise, proceed to [this](#installation-install-kyma-on-a-gke-cluster-prepare-the-installation-configuration-file) section.
## DNS setup

### Delegate the management of your domain to Google Cloud DNS

Follow these steps:
Delegate the management of your domain to Google Cloud DNS. Follow these steps:

1. Export the domain name, project name, and DNS zone name as environment variables. Run the commands listed below:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,7 +55,7 @@ Follow these steps:
A successful response returns the list of the name servers you fetched from GCP.

### Get the TLS certificate
## Get the TLS certificate

1. Create a folder for certificates. Run:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,12 +94,31 @@ Follow these steps:
export TLS_KEY=$(cat ./letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem | base64 | sed 's/ /\\ /g')

## Prepare the GKE cluster

1. Select a name for your cluster and set it as an environment variable. Run:

2. Create a cluster in the `europe-west1` region. Run:
gcloud container --project "$PROJECT" clusters \
create "$CLUSTER_NAME" --zone "europe-west1-b" \
--cluster-version "1.12.5" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" \
--addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,KubernetesDashboard

3. Install Tiller on your GKE cluster. Run:

kubectl apply -f installation/resources/tiller.yaml

## Prepare the installation configuration file

### Using the latest GitHub release

>**NOTE:** You can use Kyma version 0.8 or higher.
1. Go to [this]( page and choose the latest release.

2. Export the release version as an environment variable. Run:
Expand All @@ -143,16 +132,9 @@ Follow these steps:

4. Prepare the deployment file.

- Run this command if you use the `` default domain:
4. Update the file with the values from your environment variables. Merge files from step 3 to one `my-kyma.yaml` file. Run:
cat kyma-installer-cluster.yaml <(echo -e "\n---") kyma-config-cluster.yaml | sed -e "s/__.*__//g" > my-kyma.yaml

- Run this command if you use your own domain:
cat kyma-installer-cluster.yaml <(echo -e "\n---") kyma-config-cluster.yaml | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g" | sed -e "s/__.*__//g" > my-kyma.yaml
cat kyma-installer-cluster.yaml <(echo -e "\n---") kyma-config-cluster.yaml | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" |sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g"|sed -e "s/__.*__//g" >my-kyma.yaml

5. The output of this operation is the `my_kyma.yaml` file. Use it to deploy Kyma on your GKE cluster.
Expand All @@ -170,47 +152,46 @@ Follow these steps:

3. Push the image to your Docker Hub:
docker tag kyma-installer:latest {YOUR_DOCKER_LOGIN}/kyma-installer:latest
docker push {YOUR_DOCKER_LOGIN}/kyma-installer:latest
docker tag kyma-installer:latest [YOUR_DOCKER_LOGIN]/kyma-installer:latest

4. Prepare the deployment file:

- Run this command if you use the `` default domain:
(cat installation/resources/installer.yaml ; echo "---" ; cat installation/resources/installer-config-cluster.yaml.tpl ; echo "---" ; cat installation/resources/installer-cr-cluster.yaml.tpl) | sed -e "s/__.*__//g" > my-kyma.yaml
docker push [YOUR_DOCKER_LOGIN]/kyma-installer:latest

- Run this command if you use your own domain:
4. Prepare the deployment file:

(cat installation/resources/installer.yaml ; echo "---" ; cat installation/resources/installer-config-cluster.yaml.tpl ; echo "---" ; cat installation/resources/installer-cr-cluster.yaml.tpl) | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" |sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g" | sed -e "s/__.*__//g" > my-kyma.yaml
cat installation/resources/installer.yaml <(echo -e "\n---") installation/resources/installer-config-cluster.yaml.tpl <(echo -e "\n---") installation/resources/installer-cr-cluster.yaml.tpl | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" |sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g" | sed -e "s/__.*__//g" > my-kyma.yaml

5. The output of this operation is the `my_kyma.yaml` file. Modify it to fetch the proper image with the changes you made ([YOUR_DOCKER_LOGIN]/kyma-installer:latest). Use the modified file to deploy Kyma on your GKE cluster.

## Deploy Kyma

1. Configure kubectl to use your new cluster. Run:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone europe-west1-b --project $PROJECT

2. Deploy Kyma using the `my-kyma` custom configuration file you created. Run:
2. Add your account as the cluster administrator:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)
3. Deploy Kyma using the `my-kyma` custom configuration file you created. Run:
kubectl apply -f my-kyma.yaml

3. Check if the Pods of Tiller and the Kyma Installer are running:
4. Check if the Pods of Tiller and the Kyma Installer are running:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

4. Start Kyma installation:
5. Start Kyma installation:
kubectl label installation/kyma-installation action=install

5. To watch the installation progress, run:
6. To watch the installation progress, run:
while true; do \
kubectl -n default get installation/kyma-installation -o jsonpath="{'Status: '}{.status.state}{', description: '}{.status.description}"; echo; \
Expand All @@ -223,51 +204,54 @@ Follow these steps:
kubectl -n kyma-installer logs -l 'name=kyma-installer'

## Add the self-signed certificate to your OS trusted certificates

>**NOTE:** Skip this section if you use your own domain.
## Configure DNS for the cluster load balancer

Run these commands:

After the installation, add the custom Kyma [``]( self-signed certificate to the trusted certificates of your OS. For MacOS run:
tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/temp-cert.XXXXXX) \
&& kubectl get configmap cluster-certificate-overrides -n kyma-installer -o jsonpath='{\.tlsCrt}' | base64 --decode > $tmpfile \
&& sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain $tmpfile \
&& rm $tmpfile
export EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
## Configure DNS for the cluster load balancer
export APISERVER_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service -n kyma-system apiserver-proxy-ssl -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
1. Export the domain of your cluster and DNS zone as environment variables. Run:
export DOMAIN=$(kubectl get cm installation-config-overrides -n kyma-installer -o jsonpath='{\.domainName}')
export REMOTE_ENV_IP=$(kubectl get service -n kyma-system application-connector-ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
2. To add DNS entries, run these commands:
export EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction start --zone=$DNS_ZONE
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP --name=\*.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $REMOTE_ENV_IP --name=\gateway.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add APISERVER_PUBLIC_IP --name=\apiserver.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction execute --zone=$DNS_ZONE

export APISERVER_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service -n kyma-system apiserver-proxy-ssl -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
export REMOTE_ENV_IP=$(kubectl get service -n kyma-system application-connector-ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
## Prepare your Kyma deployment for production use

gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction start --zone=$DNS_ZONE
To use the cluster in a production environment, it is recommended you configure a new server-side certificate for the Application Connector and replace the placeholder certificate it installs with.
If you don't generate a new certificate, the system uses the placeholder certificate. As a result, the security of your implementation is compromised.

gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP --name=\*.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
Follow this steps to configure a new, more secure certificate suitable for production use.

gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $REMOTE_ENV_IP --name=\gateway.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add APISERVER_PUBLIC_IP --name=\apiserver.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
1. Generate a new certificate and key. Run:

gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction execute --zone=$DNS_ZONE
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout ca.key -out ca.csr -subj "/C=PL/ST=N/L=GLIWICE/O=SAP Hybris/OU=Kyma/"
## Access the cluster
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -out ca.pem

Access your cluster under this address:
2. Export the certificate and key to environment variables:

export AC_CRT=$(cat ./ca.pem | base64 | base64)
export AC_KEY=$(cat ./ca.key | base64 | base64)
>**NOTE:** To log in to your cluster, use the default `admin` static user. To learn how to get the login details for this user, see [this](#installation-install-kyma-locally-from-the-release-access-the-kyma-console) document.

3. Prepare installation file with the following command:

cat kyma-installer-cluster.yaml <(echo -e "\n---") cat kyma-config-cluster.yaml | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" |sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g" | sed -e "s/__REMOTE_ENV_CA__/$AC_CRT/g" | sed -e "s/__REMOTE_ENV_CA_KEY__/$AC_KEY/g" |sed -e "s/__.*__//g" >my-kyma.yaml

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