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ThingsOfValue SDK for Arduino

1. What is ThingsOfValue?

ThingsOfValue is an IoT platform of the LOTTE DATA COMMUNICATION COMPANY that complies with the oneM2M global standard, and which can easily develop IoT devices.

2. ThingsOfValue SDK for Arduino

ThingsOfValue SDK for Arduino is wrapper of arduino-mqtt Library for developing device with LOTTE IoT Platform. This library can be used with many of Arduino-like hardware such as Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 WiFi, NodeMCU(ESP8266) and Arduino/Genuino with WiFi Shields.

3. Features

ThingsOfValue SDK for Arduino has the following features:

  • Connect to ThingsOfValue Iot Platform.
  • Receive data from the ThingsOfValue Iot Platform to the device.
  • Send data to the ThingsOfValue Iot Platform.

4. Example

The following example is a blink code which controls two LEDs by ThingsOfValue IoT platform. Each LED is mapped a sensor and an actuator. The sensor is current LED's status. The actuator is used as a switch for each LED. In the source code below, a nodeMCU (ESP8266) has been used as a device.

// Things of Value(TOV, a.k.a. L.IPS) SDK for Arduino WiFi V1.01 
// Copyright (c) 2018, LDCC. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Kyuseok Oh

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <tov.h>

// Environment variables for Using IoT Platform.
const char ssid[] = "Your_WiFi_SSID";
const char wifi_pass[] = "Your_WiFi_Password";
const char oid[] = "Your_Device_OID_in_IoT_Platform";
const char dKey[] = "Your_Device_Key_in_IoT_Platform";
const char mqttSvr[] = "Platform's_MQTT_Server_Address";
const char cseBaseUri[] = "Platform's_CSE_BASE_URI";
const char cseUri[] = "Platform's_CSE_URI";

WiFiClient net;

unsigned long lastMillis = 0;

bool lampStatusA = false;
bool lampStatusB = true;
bool wifiStatus = false;
bool mqttStatus = false;

bool runningFuncControllerA = true;
bool runningFuncControllerB = true;

int pinLEDA = 5;
int pinLEDB = 4;

void setup()
  pinMode(pinLEDA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLEDB, OUTPUT);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, wifi_pass);
  tovBegin(net,oid, dKey, mqttSvr, cseBaseUri, cseUri, messageReceived);

  if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
    wifiStatus = false;
    wifiStatus = true;

// Blink.
void runningFunc(){
      digitalWrite(pinLEDA, LOW);
      lampStatusA = false;
      digitalWrite(pinLEDA, HIGH);
      lampStatusA = true;
      digitalWrite(pinLEDB, LOW);
      lampStatusB = false;
      digitalWrite(pinLEDB, HIGH);
      lampStatusB = true;

void loop()
  // Running LOTTE IoT Platform (ThingsOfValue) code in the background.

  // If platform connection is disconnected, this function reconnects MQTT.
    mqttStatus = false;

  //Running this scope every a second.
  if((millis() - lastMillis) > 1000){
     // Blink Lamp function.
     // Running Blink code in Online.

     // Upload status of Lamp.
     // "LAMPA" and "LAMPB" are sensors which are defined in the platform.
     if(wifiStatus && mqttStatus){
        putContent("LAMPA", "text/plain", "ON");
      } else{
        putContent("LAMPA", "text/plain", "OFF");
        putContent("LAMPB", "text/plain", "ON");
      } else{
        putContent("LAMPB", "text/plain", "OFF");
    lastMillis = millis();

// Get Commands from Platform via MQTT.
void messageReceived(String &topic, String &payload) {
  // "runningA" and "runningB" are actuators which are defined commands in the platform.
  String runningCMDA = cmd_get("runningA", payload);
  String runningCMDB = cmd_get("runningB", payload);
  if (runningCMDA.equals("ON")) {
    runningFuncControllerA = true;
  if (runningCMDA.equals("OFF")) {
    runningFuncControllerA = false;
  if (runningCMDB.equals("ON")) {
    runningFuncControllerB = true;
  if (runningCMDB.equals("OFF")) {
    runningFuncControllerB = false;

// Connect MQTT & WiFi
void mqttConnect() {
  Serial.print("\nchecking wifi...");
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    wifiStatus = false;
    // Running Blink code in Offline.
  wifiStatus = true;

  //MQTT reconnect
  if (wifiStatus) {
    Serial.print("\nTOV connecting...");
      // Running Blink code in Offline.
    mqttStatus = true;
    Serial.print("\nSuccess subscribe()");

5. APIs

Use the following function to initialize device for using the ThingsOfValue IoT platform:

void tovBegin(Client &net, const char *Oid, const char *DKey, const char *MqttSvr, const char *CseBaseUri, const char *CseUri, MQTTClientCallbackSimple cb);
  • The Oid is a device ID which was created on the platform.
  • The DKey is an authorization key which was automated generated automatically by the platform.
  • The MqttSvr is the address of MQTT server.
  • CseBaseUri and CseUri are environment variables for ThingsOfValue platform. They are defined by the platform.
  • The cb is a callback function that will be run when a message is received from the mqtt server.

To connect to the ThingsOfValue IoT Platform, use the following function:

//For ThingsOfValue Platform
boolean tovConnect();

//For Private IoT Platform
boolean tovConnect(const char clientId[], const char username[], const char password[]);
  • If you want to use the ThingsOfValue IoT Platform, use the first function without arguments.
  • To use private IoT platform or other mqtt brokers, use the second function.
  • This function returns a Boolean value indicating whether the connection was successful.

To subscribe a MQTT topic on the ThingsOfValue IoT Platform, use the following function:

boolean tovSubscribe();

Use the following function to check the ThingsOfValue IoT platform connection of the device:

boolean tovConnected();

Sends and receives packets:

boolean tovLoop();
  • This function should be called in every loop
  • This function is a simple wrapper function of the loop () function of the arduino-mqtt library.

To send sensor data, use the following function:

void putContent(String sensorName, String contentType, String data);
  • The sensorName is defined when registering sensors of the device.
  • The contentType is a MIME type such as text/plain.
  • Put the value that you want to send to the platform as a String type in the data parameter.

To receive a command or a data from ThingsOfValue IoT platform to your device, use the following function:

String cmd_get(String cmd, String payload);
  • The cmd is defined when registering command keys of actuators of the device on the ThingsOfValue IoT platform.
  • Put the value which is a raw data received from ThingsOfValue IoT platform via callback function that is defined in tovBegin function into the payload parameter.

See also the API documentation for the arduino-mqtt library.