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Frank Jogeleit edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Send new PolicyReport Results with all available information over the Webhook API to Slack.

Installation and Configuration

Enable Slack by configure your Slack Webhook API under target.slack.webhook.

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --set target.slack.webhook=http://hook.slack -n policy-reporter --create-namespace
  • Configure target.slack.minimumPriority to send only results with the configured minimumPriority or above, empty means all results. (info < warning < error)
  • Configure target.slack.skipExistingOnStartup to skip all results who already existed before the PolicyReporter started (default: true).
    webhook: ""
    minimumPriority: ""
    skipExistingOnStartup: true



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