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This repository contains the codes used in our study on Simple black-box universal adversarial attacks on deep neural networks for medical image classification.

Terms of use

MIT licensed. Happy if you cite our preprint when using the codes:

Koga K & Takemoto K (2022) Simple black-box universal adversarial attacks on deep neural networks for medical image classification. Algorithms 15, 144. doi:10.3390/a15050144


0. Check the usage of U-SimBA with a simple example

See Notebook U_SimBA_demo.ipynb.

1. Medical images and DNN models

See hkthirano/MedicalAI-UAP for details, including the requirements. This repository assumes the directory structure in hkthirano/MedicalAI-UAP. The images and DNNs (model weights) will stored in the data directory.

2. Create input and validation data from test dataset

python --dataset 'melanoma' --nb_samples 1000
python --dataset 'oct' --nb_samples 200
python --dataset 'chestx' --nb_samples 100

3. Install U-SimBA

U-SimBA is implemented using Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART, version 1.7.0). Code is available in our forked version of ART.

pip install git+

4. Generate UAP

A use example is as follows:

python \
--dataset 'melanoma' \
--model_path './data/melanoma/model/inceptionv3.h5' \
--model_type 'InceptionV3' \
--norm_type '2' \
--norm_rate 0.04 \
--epsilon 0.5 \
--freqdim 28 \
--max_iter 5000 \
--nb_sample 1000 \
--targeted -1 \
--gpu '0' \
--save_path ./results/melanoma/nontarget_inceptionv3_L2norm_zeta4_epsilon05_freqdim28_maxiter5000