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XavierShrier edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the AltSidesHelper Wiki!

AltSidesHelper allows you to add extra 'sides to your map, as well as further customize your A-Sides, and display them in the same way as vanilla's B and C sides. It also provides some assets for D-Sides, including a custom cassette entity and a few icons.

If you're using AltSidesHelper for the first time, visit the setup page to get up and running. A list of all possible options for the A-Side meta can then be found on the fields page. The custom cassette and trigger also have their own dedicated page on how to use them.

Verbose logging can be enabled if you're having issues, but if you're unable to resolve them contact Luna (the main developer of the mod) via the Celeste Discord, or just ask around for help.