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Proxies calls to OpenWhisk actions behind a nginx server and enables CORS


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Proxies calls to OpenWhisk actions behind a nginx server and enables CORS


This sample app provides a simple solution to expose OpenWhisk actions. Requests are received by the nginx server, passed to OpenWhisk and results are returned. In addition, the nginx configuration takes care of passing the credentials to OpenWhisk and also enables CORS headers so that the API can be consumed by other domains.

Built using IBM Bluemix, the application uses:

![Architecture]( digraph G { node [fontname = "helvetica"] rankdir=LR /* client makes a request / client -> nginx / nginx forwards the request to openwhisk and returns the result / nginx -> openwhisk / styling */ client [label="Client"] nginx [shape=circle style=filled color="%234E96DB" fontcolor=white label="NGINX"] openwhisk [shape=circle style=filled color="%2324B643" fontcolor=white label="OpenWhisk"] } )

Deploy the application

  1. Clone the app to your local environment from your terminal using the following command:
git clone
  1. Open the manifest.yml and update the host variable to something unique.

  2. Push the application to Bluemix without starting it:

cf push --no-start
  1. Define the WHISK_AUTH environment variable:
cf set-env openwhisk-apiapp WHISK_AUTH replace-me

where replace-me is the base64-encoded version of your OpenWhisk credentials. You can find this value by running the command wsk -v list. It will look like:

"Authorization": "Basic MGU30e93kdfred903282ee24920392428xlkdFdlkeXsSdfrroeD="

In this case, the value we are looking for is MGU30e93kdfred903282ee24920392428xlkdFdlkeXsSdfrroeD=.

  1. Start the application:
cf start openwhisk-apiapp
  1. Access the application URL.

  2. Type your name and click the button.

This will call the /whisk.system/samples/greeting default action.

Code Structure

Nginx configuration

nginx.conf is based on the default nginx.conf coming with the build pack. The interesting part starts with location /api/v1/. This is where we start adding the CORS headers and support for pre-flight OPTIONS requests. This makes it possible to use the exposed API from another domain.

Then with proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic <%= ENV["WHISK_AUTH"] %>"; we inject the OpenWhisk authentication before implementing our actual greeting API with

location /api/v1/greeting {
  if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') { return 204; }
  if ($request_method != 'POST') { return 403; }

This simply passes the call to OpenWhisk, waiting for the action to complete blocking=true. The lines would need to be repeated for every API you want to expose.

Use GET instead of POST

In the previous example, you need to use POST to call the API but most API calls may be better suited for a GET.

No worries, nginx can handle that:

location /api/v1/get/greeting {
  if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') { return 204; }
  if ($request_method != 'GET') { return 403; }
  # OpenWhisk expect a POST so change the method on the fly
  proxy_method POST;

  # Construct the POST body with the "name" retrieved from the query parameters
  set $body '{"name":"$arg_name"}';
  proxy_set_body $body;
  # Don't forward the query parameters
  set $args "";
  # Call OpenWhisk greeting action

Calling the API

home.js shows how to call the API from JavaScript.


See License.txt for license information.


Proxies calls to OpenWhisk actions behind a nginx server and enables CORS







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