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GeneticAlogrithm - Python Genetic Algorithm Libraries



random initialize the population with specified population size and chromosome length.

    population_size: 'int>0',
    chromosome_length: 'int>0'
population_size int>0 The size of initial population.
chromosome_length int>0 The length of chromosome for each individual.
population 2x list The list of initial population


Translate the genes into decimal value based on specified gene pattern.

    population: 'list', 
    gene_pattern: 'list'
population 2x list The population to be translated.
gene_pattern list The gene pattern which contents the sequence number of breakpoints specilized to be a gene.
Sequence numbered as: [1,2,3,4,....]
i.e., gene_pattern=[2,6] will regard as: #1-#2 as a gene string, #3-#6 as another gene string.
debug_print bool whether print the debug information to the screen, default=True

Note: Highly Recommend that the spaces of gene pattern should be equal to fit the schema theory. i.e., [2,4,6,8]

population_trans 2x list The list of population whose the genes for each individual are specified and stored in decimal value.


Evaluate each indiv based on the sepecified fitness function.

population_tran 2x list The population to be evaluated.
debug_print bool whether print the debug information to the screen, default=True

Fitness function should be written and stored as:
"" in the same folder with this program.

an example of fitness function:

def fitness_func(x):
    y= x[0] + x[1]+ pow((2*(x[2]))+(3*(x[3])),2)
    return float(y)
fitness_norm list The list of normalized fitness for each individual in current population.
avg_fitness float The average fitness of current population.


Duplicate each individual to the intermediate population based on its fitness.

    population: 'list', 
    fitness_norm: 'list'
population 2x list The population to be selected.
fitness_norm list The normalized fitness for every individual in the population.
population_inter 2x list The list of intermediate population.
individual_number int The number of none-repetitive individuals.


Do the single crossover for paired individuls based on the crossover rate with following steps:

  • Shuffle the individuals in the current population.
  • Individual [i] will be paired with its neighbor [i+1]
    • For each paire, a crossover point will be randomly selected.
    • Exchange the segments after the crossover point.
    population: 'list',
    crossover_rate: '0<= float<= 1'
population 2x list The population to be crossovered.
crossover_rate 0<=float<=1 The rate of crossover.
population 2x list The list of crossovered population.
True Boolean value Indicator, there is more than one individual in current population.
False Boolean value Indicator, there is only one individual in current population.

If there is only one individual in the current population, the individual may crossovered with a list consisting of 0s.
This function will exam whether there is only one individual in current population. If there is only one indiv in current population, the function will return False and there will be a prompted warning "【Warning】only one indiv in current population". Otherwise, it will return True.


Do the mutation for individuls based on the mutation rate with following steps:

  • For each individual, a mutation point will be randomly selected.
  • The selected bit on the string will be inverted:
    • If selected point is 1, it will change to be 0.
    • If selected point is 0, it will change to be 1.
    population: 'list',
    mutation_rate: '0<= float<= 1'
population 2x list The population to be mutated.
mutation_rate 0<=float<=1 The rate of mutation.
population 2x list The list of mutated population.

Libraries used

  • math
  • random