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go-rscsrv-prometheus Go

Getting Started


What things you need to setup the project:


Close the repository:

git clone

Now, the dependencies must be installed.

cd go-rscsrv-prometheus && go mod download

😉 Finally, you are done to start developing.



Given a *sql.DB instance, you can create a collector by using promsql.NewDatabaseCollector(db, opts).

The information provided by the collector will generate these metrics:

  • db_max_open_connections: Maximum number of open connections to the database.
  • db_pool_open_connections: The number of established connections both in use and idle.
  • db_pool_in_use: The number of connections currently in use.
  • db_pool_idle: The number of idle connections.
  • db_wait_count: The total number of connections waited for.
  • db_wait_duration: The total time blocked waiting for a new connection.
  • db_max_idle_closed: The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns.
  • db_max_lifetime_closed: The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime.

All these metrics are provided by the database/sql package interface.

opts: promsql.DatabaseCollectorOpts

  • Prefix string: That will add a prefix to the metrics names. So, for example, db_max_open_connections will become db_PREFIX_max_open_connections.


Given a driver name (e.g. postgres), you can create a collector by using promsql.Register(opts).

The information provided by the collector will generate these metrics:

  • db_query_total: The total number of queries processed.
  • db_query_successful: The number of queries processed with success.
  • db_query_failed: The number of queries processed with failure.
  • db_transaction_total: The total number of transactions processed.
  • db_transaction_successful: The number of transactions processed with success.
  • db_transaction_failed: The number of transactions processed with failure.
  • db_execution_total: The total number of executions processed.
  • db_execution_successful: The number of executions processed with success.
  • db_execution_failed: The number of executions processed with failure.

opts: _promsql.DriverCollectorOpts

  • DriverName string: The base driver name that will be used by sql package (e.g. postgres, mysql)
  • Prefix string: That will add a prefix to the metrics names. So, for example, db_query_total will become db_PREFIX_query_total.

Running tests

In order to run the tests, spin up the :

make dco-test-up

In the src/ directory, execute:

make test

To enable coverage, execute:

make coverage

To generate the HTML coverage report, execute:

make coverage coverage-html