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/ ng-new Public template

An Angular PWA template with firsts boring steps already done.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Make it yours

  • Clone this project and move into it
  • Reset git history : rm -rf .git && git init
  • Run npm ci after reset git history (important for pre-commit hooks)
  • Replace ALL ng-new occurrence with your project name
  • Replace ALL Angular progressive web app starter. occurrence with your project description
  • Replace ALL miaborde occurrence with your Github username
  • Change icons in assets folder, You can generate yours with pwa-asset-generator
  • If you not using Firebase you can delete all related files : rm -r *firebase* .firebase*
  • You're good to go :)

If you want the full stack you can get corresponding API here.

Run it in development

Local Node.js

You can run this project in watch/debug mode in local dev environment, to do so you need Node.js.

Example :

# install dependencies
npm i
# run in development mode, default language
npm run start
# run in development mode, in french
npm run start:fr


You can run this project in watch/debug mode in fully containerized environment, to do so you just need Docker (for linux users you also need Docker-compose).

Example :

# with docker only
docker-compose -f build
docker-compose -f up

# if you have Docker AND Node.js installed you can use short commands :
npm run docker:build
npm run docker

When you add a npm package to your project you need to force your container to build.

VSCode debugger

With Visual Studio Code you can easily launch this app in debug mode, you just need Google Chrome. All settings are already done in .vscode folder. Follow this guide to know more.

If you want to 'attach' debugger You need to open your Chrome instance with chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222

If you want Chromium instead of Chrome on Linux distros

create an alias with this command : sudo ln -s /usr/bin/chromium /usr/bin/google-chrome, path can be different on your distro !

Run it in production


You can run this project in production mode in container, to do so you just need Docker.

Example :

# with docker only
docker-compose -f build
docker-compose -f up

# if you have Docker AND Node.js installed you can use short commands :
npm run docker:build:prod
npm run docker:prod


  • Code documentation: this project use Compodoc a documentation tool for Angular & Nestjs applications. It generates a static documentation of your application.

Example :

# code documentation: build doc website and open it
npm run doc

Git flow

This project respects Conventional commits, a Git commit convention made by the Angular team. Basically, every pull request should end up with one commit and a standardized commit message.

To easily respect this a tool is provided: Commitizen called with npm run cz command, you are not obligated to use it, if you make your commits manually they will be tested too.

Attention ! Do not commit without a node_modules folder at the root of the project (run npm i command to get it), otherwise your commit and your code will not trigger lint / format / cz scripts.

Example :

# add your changes
git add .
# commit with commitizen-cli
npm run cz
# push changes
git push

# if your commit fail you can perform changes and retry with previous message
npm run cz -- --retry

Create a release

This project respects Semantic Versioning. To easily respect this specification a tool is provided: Standard-version.

Note: commit or stash any changes before create a release. Note: Semantic versioning works differently for versions starting with v0.x.x. Everything before v1.0.0 is considered experimental and breaking changes are only minor version bumps. The moment you feel comfortable you need to bump the version manually to v1.0.0 and then the well-known versioning kicks in where breaking changes bump the major version, features bump the minor and fixes bump the patch version.

Example :

# add your changes
git add .

# release first version of the project (v0.0.0)
npm run release -- --first-release
# OR
# release first stable version of the project (v1.0.0)
npm run release -- --release-as 1.0.0
# OR
# perform a prerelease
npm run release:prerelease
# OR
# perform a release
npm run release

# push your changes, WITH version tags
git push --follow-tags

When you perform a release you automatically perform the following actions :

  • increment version number in package.json (uses the fix: and feat: tags to establish the semantic versioning)
  • add a Git tag
  • build project in prod mode for Github Pages demos and Documentation in ./docs folder
  • create/update
  • commit all staged changes with correct commit message


This project is available in multiple languages, it implements Angular internationalization. If you run it in containerized mode Nginx server redirects users to the correct version of the app, according to their browser language.

When you add/modify/delete a localized string in project you have to update locale to generate new messages.xlf file and translate the new string in messages.{fr,others}.xlf file(s). To do this, it is advisable to use a translation software like Poedit.

Example :

# update locale
npm run locale

When you update locale you automatically perform the following actions :

  • update messages.xlf with angular built-in internationalization module
  • merge messages.xlf and using ngx-i18nsupport-lib

Performances monitoring

  • Source map explorer: determines which file each byte in your minified code came from. It shows you a treemap visualization to help you debug where all the code is coming from.

  • Webdev measure: analyzes web apps and web pages, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on developer best practices. Click here to check your app

Example :

# analyze your webpack bundle with source-map-explorer
npm run analyze

Deploy it


  • Login to your Firebase account if needed : npm i -g firebase-tools && firebase login
  • I18n configuration is already done in firebase.json, you just have to rename your project in .firebaserc and deploy with : firebase deploy