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.. module:: mpython
   :synopsis: mPython Board related built-in functions

:mod:`mpython` --- mPython Board related built-in functions

mpython a proprietary module packed with built-in resources and functions. For details, refers to :ref:`mpython.py源码 <mpython_code>`


.. method:: sleep(s)

Second time delay

  • s - unit in second.
.. method:: sleep_ms(ms)

Millisecond time delay

  • ms -unit in millisecond.
.. method:: sleep_us(us)

Time delay

  • us -unit in microsecond.


.. method:: numberMap(inputNum,bMin,bMax,cMin,cMax)

Mapping function,parameter:

  • inputNum For variables require mapping
  • bMin The minimum value require for mapping
  • bMax The maximum value require for mapping
  • cMin Minimum value
  • cMax Maximum value

Built-in sensors

Sound, Light

.. method::

Read Light Sensor value, range 0~4095。

.. method::

Read Sound Sensor (microphone) value, range 0~4095。


Through the accelerometer object, you can get the 3-axis accelerometer value in g. range:±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g, default at ±2g。

.. method:: accelerometer.get_x()

Get the acceleration measurement value on the x-axis, positive or negative integer, depending on the direction.

.. method:: accelerometer.get_y()

Get acceleration measurement value on y-axis, positive integer or negative integer, depending on direction.

.. method:: accelerometer.get_z()

Get the acceleration measurement value on the z axis, positive integer or negative integer, depending on the direction.

.. method:: accelerometer.set_range(range)

Set the acceleration range if not modified, default range is ±2g.

The acceleration range constant value is follows:

Constant Value Definition
RANGE_2G 0 range ±2g
RANGE_4G 1 range ±4g
RANGE_8G 2 range ±8g
RANGE_16G 3 range ±16g
.. method:: accelerometer.set_resolution(resolution)

Set acceleration resolution, default is 10bit resolution。

The resolution constant value is follows:

Constant Value Definition
RES_14_BIT 0 14 bit resolution
RES_12_BIT 1 12 bit resolution
RES_10_BIT 2 10 bit resolution
.. method:: accelerometer.set_offset(x=None, y=None, z=None)

This function is used to calibrate the acceleration value deviation of the three axes (x, y, z) of the accelerometer. Under normal circumstances, no calibration is required, only amend when there is large acceleration deviation. Note that the calibration data will not be saved after power off. x, y, z is the adjustment deviation value, the correctable range is ±1g.

.. method:: accelerometer.roll_pitch_angle()

Return the Euler Angle (roll , pitch ) calculated by the accelerometer. Note that yaw requires angular velocity, so it cannot be measured. Returns 2 tuples (roll,pitch) in unit Angle.

Assume that the control panel is an aircraft:

  • Roll Angle refers to the included Angle between the plane where the two wings of an aircraft are located and the parallel line. The right roll of the aircraft body is positive and the range is [-180,180]..
  • The pitch Angle refers to the Angle between the nose and the horizontal plane, which is 0 when the plane is parallel and positive when the plane is up, with a range of [-180,180].


Only by 3 axis acceleration calculation method, only applicable to static, only gravity measurements. In practice, there are other acceleration disturbances, such as vibrations.

Motion detection event

Provides a variety of plane tilt, flip, click (similar to mouse click), drop motion posture events. The user can pre-set the callback function and trigger the event callback when the event occurs. The callback function is defined as,function_callback(event)。event Parameter is the corresponding event constant.

.. data:: accelerometer.event_tilt_left

tilt to the left

.. data:: accelerometer.event_tilt_right

tilt to the right

.. data:: accelerometer.event_tilt_up

tilt to the up

.. data:: accelerometer.event_tilt_down

tilt to the down

.. data:: accelerometer.event_face_up

face up

.. data:: accelerometer.event_face_down

face down

.. data:: accelerometer.event_single_click

A single click, similar to a mouse click.

.. data:: accelerometer.event_single_click

Click twice in a row, similar to the double-click operation of the mouse.

.. data:: accelerometer.event_freefall


event define:

accelerometer.TILT_LEFT 0
accelerometer.TILT_RIGHT 1
accelerometer.TILT_UP 2
accelerometer.TILT_DOWN 3
accelerometer.FACE_UP 4
accelerometer.FACE_DOWN 5
accelerometer.SINGLE_CLICK 6
accelerometer.DOUBLE_CLICK 7
accelerometer.FREEFALL 8
.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/accelerometer/
    :caption: accelerometer event simple example


MMC5983MA magnetometer function interface, which can obtain 3-axis geomagnetic induction intensity, geomagnetic field intensity, and electronic compass angle.


The MMC5983MA magnetometer is only available for mPython Board version v2.0 and above!

.. method:: magnetic.get_x()

Obtain the x-axis magnetic induction value, positive or negative integer, range ±8191, unit mG (milliGauss).

.. method:: magnetic.get_y()

Get the magnetic induction value of the y-axis, positive integer or negative integer, range ±8191, unit mG (milliGauss).

.. method:: magnetic.get_z()

Obtain the magnetic induction value of the z axis, positive integer or negative integer, range ±8191, unit mG (milli Gauss).

.. method:: magnetic.get_field_strength()

Returns the calculated magnetic induction value, which is the sum of the three-axis magnetic force. Calculation formula, square root of x^2+y^2+z^2.

.. method:: magnetic.peeling()

Magnetic peeling. Similar to the peeling function of electronic scales, after peeling() , the next time get_field_strength() returns the value calculated after subtracting the current magnetic value.

.. method:: magnetic.clear_peeling()

The magnetic peeling function is cancelled. After using peeling() , you can use this function to resume normal geomagnetic measurement.

.. method:: magnetic.get_heading()

Obtain the angle of the electronic compass, that is, the angle between the re-orientation and the magnetic north pole, directly above the mPython Board, that is, the USB position is regarded as true north. Angle in degree, range 0~360。


Because there is no z-axis tilt compensation in the angle calculation, when using get_heading() to read the compass angle, the control board should be kept horizontally placed!


For accurate compass angle, please make sure there is no strong magnetic field interference or calibrate() calibration before use.

.. method:: magnetic.calibrate()

Electronic compass calibration. When there is strong magnetic interference around the control panel, you can use this function to clear the strong magnetic component to calculate the accurate north declination of the geomagnetic field. Note that the calibration offset value is not saved after power off。

Calibration method, follow the instructions on the display of the mPython Board:

  1. The mPython Board is placed horizontally and rotates several times on the horizontal plane, the process is about 15 seconds.
  2. The mPython Board is placed vertically and rotates several times along the axis perpendicular to the ground, the process is about 15 seconds.
.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/magnetic/
    :caption: Magnetometer application--compass


BME280 is an environmental sensor with integrated temperature, humidity, and air pressure. With high precision, multi-function, compact and other unique characteristics。

  • Temperature detection range:-40℃~+85℃,resolution 0.1℃,tolerance ±0.5℃
  • Humidity detection range:0~100%RH,resolution 0.1%RH,tolerance ±2%RH
  • Pressure detection range:300~1100hPa
  • Humidity measurement response time:1s


The mPython Board scans the I2C bus for 0x77 (119) I2C devices to determine whether to construct the bme280 object!

.. method:: bme280.temperature()

Returns the temperature value in degrees Celsius。

.. method:: bme280.pressure()

Returns the atmospheric pressure value in Pa.

.. method:: bme280.humidity()

Return to ambient humidity, unit in %。


mPython Board buzzer driven by music module. For details, see :mod:`music` module.

button_[a,b] object

The Button A and B on the mPython Board. button_a/button_b is Button class instance Objects. use :ref:`machine.Pin.irq<Pin.irq>` Interrupt implementation. define event_pressed and event_released Button press, release event. Users can easily implement event callbacks. In addition, it also realizes the current or past key status, key times and other functions.

Button class

  • pin_num - IO pin number
  • reverse - default, reverse is False. Suitable for triggering low level keys. If the trigger is a high level key, set reverse to True, and then reverse.

button_a、button_b instance:

button_a = Button(Pin.P5)
button_b = Button(Pin.P11)

When a key event occurs, an event callback is triggered. callback function define, function_callback(pin), pin is machine.Pin obj.

.. data:: Button.event_pressed

Button press event.

.. data:: Button.event_released

Key release event.

.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/button/
    :caption: Button event callback example

.. method:: Button.value()

Gets the button pin level status. 1 is high level, 0 bit low level.

>>> button_a.value()
>>> 1
>>> button_a.value()
>>> 0
.. method:: Button.is_pressed()

Returns whether to currently hold. True means that the key is pressed, while False is not pressed.

.. method:: Button.was_pressed()

The return True or False indicates whether the button has been pressed since the device started or since this method was last called. Calling this method clears the pressed state, so the button must be pressed again before True can be returned again.

.. method:: Button.get_presses()

Returns the total number of keystrokes run and resets the total to zero before returning.

.. method:: button_[a,b].irq(handler=None, trigger=(Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING), priority=1, wake=None)

Configure the interrupt handler to be called when the trigger source of the pin is active。


  • handler is an optional function that is called when the interrupt is triggered.

  • trigger configures events that can trigger an interrupt. Possible values are:

    • Pin.IRQ_FALLING Falling edge interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_RISING Rising edge interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_LOW_LEVEL Low level interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL High level interrupt

    These values can be used to perform OR operate together to trigger multiple events.

  • priority sets the priority of the interrupt. The values it can take are port specific, but higher values always represent higher priority.

  • wake Select this interrupt to wake up the power mode of the system. It can be machine.IDLEmachine.SLEEP or machine.DEEPSLEEP

These values can also be used for OR operations, which can interrupt the pin in various power consumption modes.

This method returns a callback object.

>>> from mpython import *
>>> button_a.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=lambda p:print("button-a press!"))

touchPad_[ ] object

There are 6 touchpad on the mPython Board touchPad_P/Y/T/H/O/N。

.. method:: touchPad_[P,Y,T,H,O,N].read()

Return touch value

>>> 523

rgb object

mPython Board built-in with three WS2812 LED. The RGB object is a derivative of neopixel, methods of inheriting neopixel. For more application, see :ref:`neopixel<neopixel>` .

.. method:: rgb.write()

Write data to RGB LEDs。


Write RGB color values by assigning values to rgb[n] list. Such as, rgb[0]=(50,0,0)

from mpython import *

rgb[0] = (255, 0, 0)  # set to RED for full brightness
rgb[1] = (0, 128, 0)  # set to GREEN for half brightness
rgb[2] = (0, 0, 64)   # set to BLUE for a quarter of brightness

.. method:: rgb.fill(rgb_buf)

Fill all LED pixels.

.. method:: rgb.brightness(brightness)

Brightness adjustment, range 0~1.0

OLED object

The OLED object is a derivative of framebuf, inheriting the method of framebuf. For more application, see :mod:`framebuf<framebuf>` .

.. method:: oled.poweron()

Power ON the OLED panel.

.. method:: oled.poweroff()

Power OFF the OLED panel.

.. method:: oled.contrast(brightness)

Set the display brightness。

  • brightness brightness, range 0~255
.. method:: oled.invert(n)

Flip the pixels. When n=1, the unfilled pixels are lit-up, and the filled pixels are off. Otherwise When n=0. The default start is to fill the pixels and light up.

.. method:: oled.DispChar(s, x, y,mode=TextMode.normal,auto_return=False)

OLED panel text display. Apply Google Noto Sans CJK open-source sans serif font. Font height 16 pixels, supports English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.

Returns the binary (the total pixel width of the character, the x, y coordinates of the subsequent display).

  • s -Text to display.

  • xy - The upper left corner is the text start point coordinate.

  • mode - Set the text mode, the default is TextMode.normal

    • TextMode.normal - equals to 1 . In normal mode, the text is displayed in white and the background is black.
    • TextMode.rev - equals to 2 . Reverse mode, the text is displayed in black, and the background is white.
    • TextMode.trans - equals to 3 . Transparent mode, transparent text means that the text is written on top of what is already visible in the display. The difference is that the content on the previous screen can still be seen, while for normal, the background will be replaced by the currently selected background color.
    • TextMode.xor - equals to 4 . XOR mode, if the background is black, the effect is the same as the default mode (normal mode). If the background is white, the text is reversed.
  • auto_return - auto return,When the display string exceeds the width of the display, it will wrap automatically.

.. method::

Send frame buffer to OLED display.

.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/display/
    :caption: hello world

.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/display/oled_effect of
    :caption: Typing effect

.. method:: oled.DispChar_font(font, s, x, y, invert=False)

Custom font display. Users can use Python script for otf 、 ttf standard font files on the PC according to their own need turn to output Python source code with font bitmap, and call to use. Returns the binary (the total pixel width of the character, followed by the displayed x, y coordinates).

  • font - Font object. put the python source code obtained from script conversion into the file system. Note that font file must be imported before using the function.
  • s - Displayed string
  • xy - The upper left corner is the text start point coordinate.
  • invert - Display pixel flip。
.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/display/custom_font/
    :caption: Custom font display

/../images/tutorials/helloworld_customfont.jpg script instructions

  • This script requires Python 3.2 or higher. Depends on freetype python package. Installation method, pip3 install freetype-py
  • By default, only the ASCII character set( chr(32) to chr(126) characters) is converted. Through the command line parameter -c, modify this range as needed to specify any Unicode character set, you can define non-English and non-contiguous character sets.
  • oled.DispChar_font() function only supports hmap horizontally mapped fonts, so when converting, you need to use the command line parameter -x to permanently convert to horizontal mapping.
  • Firmware parameters. Font file path, converted font height, output file path. Such as: FreeSans.ttf 20

Use script to convert fonts on PC:

# Convert height to 16 pixels contains only ASCII character set -x FreeSans.ttf 16

# The conversion height is 16 pixels to specify the Unicode character set, and the character set specified for you after the -c parameter -x simfang.ttf 16 -c  ¬!"#£$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�°Ωαβγδθλμπωϕ£

The function of this function is realized, the reference comes from peterhinch/micropython-font-to open source project, more details about Instructions, you can go to this project for more information.

.. method:: oled.fill(c)

        Fill the entire frame buffer with the specified color. When ``c`` is 1, the pixel is on; when ``c`` is 0, the pixel is off.

.. method::, y, radius , c)

Draw a circle

  • xy - the upper left corner as the starting point coordinate.
  • radius - Radius of circle
  • c - when it is 1, the pixel is on; when c is 0, the pixel is off.
.. method:: oled.fill_circle(x, y, radius , c)

Draw a solid circle

  • xy - the upper left corner as the starting point coordinate.
  • radius - Radius of circle
  • c - when it is 1, the pixel is on; when c is 0, the pixel is off.
.. method:: oled.triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c)

Draw a triangle

  • x0y0 - Vertex coordinates on the triangle.
  • x1y1 - Coordinates of left vertex of triangle.
  • x2y2 - Coordinates of the left vertex of the triangle.
  • c - when it is 1, the pixel is on; when c is 0, the pixel is off.
.. method:: oled.fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c)

Draw a solid triangle

  • x0y0 - Vertex coordinates on the triangle.
  • x1y1 - Coordinates of left vertex of triangle.
  • x2y2 - Coordinates of left vertex of triangle.
  • c -when it is 1, the pixel is on; when c is 0, the pixel is off.
.. method:: oled.bitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h,c)

Draw a bitmap pattern

  • xy - the upper left corner as the starting point coordinate
  • bitmap - btyearray byte array of pattern bitmap
  • w - Pattern width
  • h - Pattern height
  • c - When 爱他1, the pixel lights up;
.. method:: oled.RoundRect( x, y, w, h, r, c)

Draw arc rectangle

  • xy - The upper left corner is used as the starting point coordinate
  • w - Pattern width
  • h - Pattern height
  • r - Arc radius
  • c - When it is 1, the pixel is on; when c is 0, the pixel is off.

i2c object

The mPython Board has been instantiated in the I2C class, P19 and P20 are the SCL and SDA pins of I2C. I2C devices can be connected to the I2C bus of the mPython Board for operation.

Deatils of read and write I2C operations, see :ref:`machine.I2C<machine.I2C>` 模块或 :ref:`I2C basic tutorial <tutorials_i2c>` chapter.

MPythonPin class

CReate Pin object

  • pin mPython Board pin number definition, see :ref:`mPython Board pins definition <mpython_pinout>`

  • mode pin mode. Before setting, defahlt is mode = PinMode.IN

    • PinMode.IN equals to 1,digital input mode
    • PinMode.OUT equals to 2,digital output mode
    • PinMode.PWM equals to 3,analog output mode
    • PinMode.ANALOG equals to 4,analog input mode
    • PinMode.OUT_DRAIN equals to 5,Open-drain output mode
  • pull specifies whether the pin is connected to a resistor, which can be one of the following:

    • None - No pull-up or pull-down resistors
    • Pin.PULL_UP - Pull-up resistor enable
    • Pin.PULL_DOWN - Pull-down resistor enable


>>> from mpython import MPythonPin       # import MPython moduel
>>> P0=MPythonPin(0,PinMode.IN)          # create pin 0 object, set digital input mode
.. method:: MPythonPin.read_digital()

Returns the level value of this IO pin. 1 represents high level, 0 represents low level

.. method:: MPythonPin.write_digital(value)

IO pin output level control. value =1 output high level, value =0 output low level.

.. method:: MPythonPin.read_analog()

Read ADC and return the read result, the returned value is between 0 and 4095.

.. method:: MPythonPin.write_analog(duty, freq=1000):

Set the duty ratio of the output PWM signal.

  • duty 0 ≤ duty ≤ 1023
  • freq PWM frequency, 0 < freq ≤ 0x0001312D(decimal base :0 < freq ≤ 78125)
.. method:: MPythonPin.irq(handler=None, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING):

If the pin mode is configured as IN , you can configure the interrupt handler that is called when the trigger source of the pin is active.


  • handler is an optional function that is called when the interrupt is triggered.

  • trigger configures events that can trigger an interrupt. Value could be:

    • Pin.IRQ_FALLING falling edge interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_RISING rising edge interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_LOW_LEVEL low level interrupt
    • Pin.IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL high level interrupt

    These values can be used to perform OR operations together to trigger multiple events.

WiFi class

Provide convenient WiFi connection network or wireless AP function. Note that turning on the WiFi function will increase power consumption.If not in use, turning off WiFi can reduce power consumption.

Build WiFi object and create sta object and ap object. See :mod:`network` more application of modules.

  • STA is used by clients to connect to routers to connect to the network。
  • AP is used to mPython Board as a wireless AP access method
.. method:: wifi.connectWiFi(ssid,password,timeout=10)

Connect WiFi network

  • ssid -WiFi network ID
  • password -WiFi Password
  • timeout - Link timeout, default 10 seconds
.. method:: wifi.disconnectWiFi()

Disconnect WiFi network connection

.. method:: wifi.enable_APWiFi(essid,password,channel=10)

Open WiFi wireless AP mode

  • essid - create WiFi network ID
  • password - Password
  • channel - Set WiFi channel,channel 1~13
.. method:: wifi.disable_APWiFi()

Turn off wireless AP