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Interfaces: Filter

alessbarb edited this page Sep 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

File: filter.interface.ts


The Filter interface is designed to offer a streamlined way to filter out unused or irrelevant data from the error object. This is especially useful when you want to log the error or send it across a network without including unnecessary details.


Method Return Type Description
filterUnused() this Filters out unused or irrelevant properties from the error object. Allows for method chaining.

Example Usage

const error = new ErrorEnhanced([
  // ...other enhancers
  new FilterUtility()

// Filtering unused properties

// Now the error object will only contain relevant data

Best Practices

  • Use the filterUnused method before logging the error or sending it to an external service to minimize the data payload and focus on the most relevant information.


The Filter interface is a simple yet powerful tool for cleaning up your error objects. By making use of this feature, you can focus on the essential details that help in debugging and resolving issues more effectively.

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