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kicad-install bash script script

Version 13 script for linux

Note: parameters in <> Are required, while parameters in [] are optional, | = OR, IE
 one in list  
 IE: Build Python add on, needs -p MIN  for minimum version of python.  
 Note: This script can self update, using SHA512SUM verification, To over ride Version
 Check use -V  
 and -S to disable SHA512SUM check. Also a backup copy of the current script will be
 made in both.  
 the script working directory and target working directory format will be script
 name + date  
 This script must be mark as exectuable by: chmode a+rx  
 If target SOURCE'S director is not set, default will be be = ~/buildkicad  
 If Install DIRECTOR is not set, default will be = /usr/local  

./ <cmd> [Options...]  
where <cmd> can be one of..  

    --setup-update-build-install    ( Full/New install which also updates current  
                                      install KiCad )  
    --setup-update-build-tools      ( Install/Update build tools only)  
    --update-build-install          ( Update source then build and install KiCad )  
    --build-install                 ( Build source and install KiCad.)  
    --install                       ( Install KiCad )  
    --remove-sources                ( Removes source trees for another attempt )  
    --uninstall-libraries           ( Removes KiCad supplied libraries )  
    --uninstall-kicad               ( Uninstalls all of KiCad but leaves source trees. )  
    --script-server-version-check   ( Check version of script ./ on  
	                                  server )  
	--script-server-install         ( Update version of script from  
	                                  server, only update's if newer Note:
	                                  Use -V to force  
									  update )  
    --diff-server-local-script      ( Show the difference between current and server
                            , using diff, Note: With NO!  
									  SHA512SUM verification )  
    --make-script-sha512            ( Makes 2 files, one with a SHA512SUM in
									  ~/buildkicad/ other  
                                      With SCRIP_VERSION in file  
									  ~/buildkicad/ )  
    --clean                         ( Clean build files IE: Frees disk space )  
    --delete-build-dir              ( Delete the SOURCE'S/build directory,  
                                      you may need to do this if  
                                      build is not working as exepcted )  
    --version                       ( Prints script version )  
    --help                          ( This help Docs )  
  Where Options can be any number of--  
  Options Are  
      [-t SOURCEDIR]         ( Set Target directory for source's/build )  
      [-n INSTALLBINDIR]     ( Set Install directory for bin NOTE: if you change the install director )  
      [-d ]                  ( Build GDB debug version )  
      [-D ]                  ( Disable Documents Build )  
	  [-L ]                  ( Disable Parts sch/pcb/3d libs Build )
	  [-B ]                  ( Use prebuild doc's,  this save's a lot of time if you only wont to install the docs! )
      [-b ]                  ( Build our own copy of Boost libs )
	  [-r ]                  ( Build version, Set this to STABLE or TESTING or other known revision number 5054 etc )  
      [-S ]                  ( Disable SHA512SUM verification )  
      [-V ]                  ( Disable version check )  
      [-p MIN | MED | MAX ]  ( Build python MIN=For footprint wizards, MED=creates a python module, )  
                                MAX=Pcbnew can edit the current loaded board)  
      [-x ProcessCount ]     ( Set's the number of Build process's for Make -j ProcessCount )  
 Example: ./ --setup-update-build-install -t /home/fred/src/kicad -n /usr/ -d -D -x 8  
 Will Install source's at: /home/fred/src/kicad, and Binaries install tree at: /usr   
 and build with Debug Enabled, Documents Disabled, make j8 (8 build process's)   


linux install bash script for KiCad







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