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Hello X-Ray with TypeScript on AWS Serverless

This is a simple tutorial to use AWS X-Ray library on AWS Serverless with TypeScript.



# Install Serverless framework, first.
npm i -g serverless

# Prepare a working directory.
mkdir hello-xray && \
  cd hello-xray

# Create the scaffold using a create command of Serverless cli.
sls create --template aws-nodejs-typescript --name hello-xray

Then you can see these files.

+ hello-xray
  - .gitignore
  - handler.tx
  - package.json
  - serverless.yml
  - tsconfig.json
  - webpack.config.js

All things are ready to develop. For convinence to use git-tutor, I'll ignore yarn.lock in this repository.

Renew devDependencies

Dependencies in this template can be outdated so it is better to update after scaffolding.

yarn add -D @types/aws-lambda @types/node@10 serverless-webpack ts-loader typescript webpack

📄 package.json

      "source-map-support": "^0.5.10"
    "devDependencies": {
-     "@types/aws-lambda": "^8.10.17",
-     "@types/node": "^10.12.18",
-     "serverless-webpack": "^5.2.0",
-     "ts-loader": "^5.3.3",
-     "typescript": "^3.2.4",
-     "webpack": "^4.29.0"
+     "@types/aws-lambda": "^8.10.33",
+     "@types/node": "10",
+     "serverless-webpack": "^5.3.1",
+     "ts-loader": "^6.1.2",
+     "typescript": "^3.6.3",
+     "webpack": "^4.41.0"
    "author": "The serverless webpack authors (",
    "license": "MIT"
- }+ }

Add aws-sdk dependency

AWS Lambda runtime for node.js 10 already includes aws-sdk@2.488. So add it into optionalDependencies.

📄 package.json

      "webpack": "^4.41.0"
    "author": "jaeyoung.choi <>",
-   "license": "MIT"
+   "license": "MIT",
+   "optionalDependencies": {
+     "aws-sdk": "2.488.0"
+   }

And ignore aws-sdk from Webpack to avoid a huge bundle including all of aws-sdk packages.

📄 webpack.config.js

      filename: "[name].js"
    target: "node",
+   externals: [/aws-sdk/],
    module: {
      rules: [
        // all files with a `.ts` or `.tsx` extension will be handled by `ts-loader`

Add aws-xray-sdk-core

aws-xray-sdk includes all of aws-xray-sdk-* family such as express, postgres and mysql. If you want to compact one, like me, aws-xray-sdk-core is enough.

📄 package.json

      "build": "sls package"
    "dependencies": {
+     "aws-xray-sdk-core": "^2.3.6",
      "source-map-support": "^0.5.10"
    "devDependencies": {

Add typing for aws-xray-sdk-core

There is no official typings for aws-xray-sdk-core but there is almost completed typings on reviewing PR.

Now, just copy it into this source tree, typings/aws-xray-sdk-core/index.d.ts.

Thanks to @Kroisse!

Write a simple dummy code to capture

We can capture a segment of promise using captureAsyncFunc.

📄 handler.ts

  import { APIGatewayProxyHandler } from "aws-lambda";
  import "source-map-support/register";
+ import { captureAsyncFunc } from "aws-xray-sdk-core";

+ const sleep = (millis: number) =>
+   captureAsyncFunc(
+     "sleep",
+     seg =>
+       new Promise<void>(resolve =>
+         setTimeout(() => {
+           resolve();
+           seg.close();
+         }, millis)
+       )
+   );
- export const hello: APIGatewayProxyHandler = async (event, _context) => {
+ export const hello: APIGatewayProxyHandler = async () => {
+   for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+     await sleep(100);
+   }
    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: "OK"

Install tracing via Serverless framework

Using Serverless framework, we can use X-Ray Service map very easily because it needs few settings.

📄 serverless.yml

    name: aws
    runtime: nodejs10.x
+   tracing:
+     apiGateway: true
+     lambda: true


Ignore Webpack warnings

There are two the request of a dependency is an expression warnings when we execute webpack via sls package. It is because they use dynamic require in their codes.

  1. call_capture.js requires the specified attributes to capture in requests of AWSClient using appendAWSWhitelist function.
  2. colors.js requires the color-theme library in runtime. I think we will not use it because it is required from winston that is required from aws-xray-sdk-core.

call_capture.js requires aws_whitelist.json file in its package at runtime so we put it into a bundle. But Webpack4 can includes these external json file into a bundle automatically without any configurations! And we give a JSON object into appendAWSWhitelist istead of a path to require to avoid require in runtime that breaks Webpack. So we can ignore the first issue. And, we will not change color-theme of winston in runtime. Let's ignore the second issue, too.

Now, we can ignore these warnings by simple regular expressions.

📄 webpack.config.js

  const path = require("path");
  const slsw = require("serverless-webpack");

+ const ignoreWarnings = [
+   [/call_capturer.js/, /the request of a dependency is an expression/],
+   [/colors.js/, /the request of a dependency is an expression/]
+ ];
  module.exports = {
    mode: slsw.lib.webpack.isLocal ? "development" : "production",
    entry: slsw.lib.entries,

    externals: [/aws-sdk/],
    module: {
      rules: [{ test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "ts-loader" }]
+   },
+   stats: {
+     warningsFilter: warning => {
+       return ignoreWarnings.some(regexs =>
+         regexs.every(regex => regex.test(warning))
+       );
+     }

Deploy and check it

Now, deploy it!

sls deploy

At last, we get the endpoint of this hello API.

api keys:
  GET -
  hello: hello-serverless-xray-typescript-dev-hello

Request it using curl. After that, we can see our captured segments in AWS X-Ray console.

curl ""
  • Service map Service map
  • Trace details Traces detail


A simple tutorial to use X-Ray SDK on Serverless framework with TypeScript






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