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laevad edited this page Jul 30, 2023 · 1 revision

1. Application Layer (lib/app/): The Application layer represents the user interface, user interactions, and application-specific logic. It contains pages or screens, along with custom widgets and utility functions specific to the application.

// lib/app/pages/login/login_controller.dart
class LoginController extends Controller {
  // Controller implementation for login page

// lib/app/pages/login/login_presenter.dart
class LoginPresenter extends Presenter {
  // Presenter implementation for login page

// lib/app/pages/login/login_view.dart
import 'package:my_note_app/app/view.dart';

class LoginView extends View<LoginController, LoginPresenter> {
  // View implementation for login page

// lib/app/widgets/custom_button.dart
class CustomButton extends StatelessWidget {
  // Custom widget for a reusable button

// lib/app/utils/authentication_util.dart
class AuthenticationUtil {
  // Utility class for handling authentication-related tasks

// lib/app/navigator.dart
class AppNavigator {
  // Optional application navigator for handling navigation

2. Data Layer (lib/data/): The Data layer is responsible for managing data retrieval and communication with external data sources. It includes repositories that provide an abstraction over data sources and handle the communication between the app and the data sources.

// lib/data/repositories/data_auth_repo.dart
class DataAuthRepository {
  // Implementation of authentication-related data operations

// lib/data/helpers/http_helper.dart
class HttpHelper {
  // Utility class for handling HTTP requests

// lib/data/constants.dart
class DataConstants {
  // Constants such as API keys, routes, URLs, etc.

3. Device Layer (lib/device/): The Device layer handles interactions with platform-specific features and services. It includes repositories that communicate with device-specific functionalities.

// lib/device/repositories/gps_repository.dart
class GPSRepository {
  // Implementation for interacting with the device's GPS

// lib/device/utils/device_util.dart
class DeviceUtil {
  // Utility class for handling device-specific tasks

4. Domain Layer (lib/domain/): The Domain layer contains the core business logic of the application. It includes entities, use cases, and repositories abstracting the functionality for data and device layers.

// lib/domain/entities/user.dart
class User {
  // Example entity representing a user

// lib/domain/entities/manager.dart
class Manager {
  // Example entity representing a manager

// lib/domain/usecases/login_usecase.dart
class LoginUseCase extends UseCase {
  // Example use case for login functionality

// lib/domain/repositories/auth_repository.dart
abstract class AuthRepository {
  // Abstract class defining the expected functionality for authentication

5. Entry Point (lib/main.dart): The main.dart serves as the entry point of the application and is responsible for initializing the app and showing the initial screen.

// lib/main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('My Note App'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text('Welcome to My Note App!'),

With this directory structure and example, we have a clear separation of concerns in the application, making it easier to maintain and test the code. Each layer has its specific responsibilities, and the dependencies flow inward, following the Dependency Rule of Clean Architecture.

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