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gtMAP - Simmulated Annealing Decoder for Group Testing

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gtMAP is a decoder for group testing using quantitative PCR-test results implemented in R and STAN. The associated paper can be found at URL.


gtMAP can be installed in RStudio directly from github using the devtools library as follows

install.packages('devtools') # if devtools is not installed

After installation the package can be loaded using


To check that the installation was successful, run


which will create a group testing design as well as data and conduct the group testing and decoding. Depending on the complexity of the randomly generated test, this may take a few minutes. The output should look as follows

Creating M
Creating X
Creating Y
Running Decoder
Finished Running Successfully!



The main function used is run_decoder.R. This will run the decoder on specified input data. The function takes four parameters:

  • Y: The vector of PCR group test results
  • M: The design matrix (rows = tests, columns = samples)
  • n: The number of samples
  • l: The disjuctness of the design. If this is not known/applicable, set l = 0.

The main decoder can then be run via


The decoder can also be run with different parameter settings. For details on this please refer to the publication and the function help.

Generating a shifted-transversal design

gtMAP also allows the generation of a design matrix M via the function generate_STD_testing_protocol.R which takes two required arguments:

  • n: The number of samples
  • d: The desired disjunctness of the design matrix

Please ensure that n is a (prime) square. The resulting number of tests is equal to (d+1)*sqrt(n).

Testing a design

If you wish to supply your own design and test it you can simulate data as follows

X <- create_positives_vector(n,p=p,output=X.output) # Creates a vector of viral loads with X.output = 'VL'. n is the number of samples and p is the desired prevalence.
Y <- determine_Y(M,X,mode = Y.mode) # Creates the group testing results. Y.mode = 'Ct' returns Ct-values as test results. M is the design matrix supplied by the user.

In Vitro Data

The plate per-well viral loads used for in vitro validation can be found in the data folder. The resulting PCR-test results (Ct-values) can also be found there. To extract the in vitro results the following script can be run.

dir <- "C:/Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/gtMAP/data/" # Your filepath to gtMAP/data/ here
RESULTS <- list() # List for storing test outcomes

# Setting plate and singleplex/multiplex
p <- 1 # number of plate, between 1 and 6
plex <- "MP" # or "SP" for singleplex results

# Setting file paths
assignment_file <- paste(dir,plex,"_Well_Assignment/assignment_all_w_replicates_3_and_4.csv",sep="") # *3_and_4_* for plates 1-3 and *5_and_6* for plates 4-6
result_file <-  paste(dir,plex,"_Results/plate",p,"_results_",plex,".csv",sep="")

# Setting up the design Matrix (to be used with Y later)
n <- 81
l <- 3
t <- sqrt(n) * (l + 1)
M <- generate_STD_testing_protocol(n, l, sq = c(sqrt(n),0,1,2)) # sq indicates specific matrix used (as for 3-disjunct there are multiple possibilities)

# Read in data
assignment_all <- read.csv(paste(assignment_file,sep=""))
p1_res <- read.csv(paste(result_file,sep=""))

# Getting the results
cc <- 1
start_indeces = c(1,1+t,97,97+t,193,193+t,289,289+t) # assignment csv start indeces for the different designs on the same plate
for (idx in 1:length(start_indeces)) {
  idx_start = start_indeces[idx] # select start idx of current design
  n_plex = ncol(p1_res) # get number of diseases + 1
  names(p1_res)[1] <- 'well' # name first column 'well' for unified access

  for (i in 2:n_plex) { # starts from 2 as first column is well names
    p1_res[p1_res[,i] == "No Ct",i] = 0 # set negative test results to 0
    Y <- p1_res[match(assignment_all[idx_start:(idx_start+t-1),2],  p1_res$well), names(p1_res)[i]] # get the indeces of the assigned wells of the current design for the current disease and extract the Ct-values from the results
    Y <- matrix(as.numeric(Y)) # Convert test results to numeric
    RESULTS[[cc]] <- Y # Store result matrix to list
    cc <- cc + 1


The preprint version of the paper can be found at

If using the package, please cite:

Unruh, L. A., Crone, M. A., Freemont, P. S., & Chindelevitch, L. (2024). A standardised, high-throughput approach to diagnostic group testing method validation. medRxiv, 2024-04. doi:10.1101/2024.04.17.24305965


gtMAP - Simmulated Annealing Decoder for Group Testing






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