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F. Maxwell Harper and Joseph A. Konstan. 2015. The MovieLens Datasets: History and Context. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 5, 4: 19:1–19:19.

  1. MovieLens 25M Dataset: 25 million ratings and one million tag applications applied to 62,000 movies by 162,000 users, Released 12/2019.

  2. MovieLens Tag Genome Dataset 2021: 10.5 million computed tag-movie relevance scores from a pool of 1,084 tags applied to 9,734 movies. Released 12/2021. I used the metadata in raw dataset.


0-ETL.ipynb After some merging and cleaning process data was transformed to local mongoDB and AWS service. After loading the dataset from AWS I blocked the public acess and I will deleated the files from AWS. If anyone wanted to access the dataset please use this


Ba1 Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pandas were the libraries that I used for visulization of finding most popular movie, the distribution of movies genres, the number of movies for years between 1995_2019 and most common words in movies title and some other visulization that you can check in the 1_vis.ipynb



An interactive dashboard was made in Tableau website. Year and genre and avarage rating can be the options to change the graphs.

Recommendation system

There are 2 kind of Recommendation system, Collaborative Based Filtering and Content-Based Filtering. Spark and sklearn was used for colabrating filtering and Sklearn was used for Content-Based Filtering.

1. Collaborative Based Filtering

1. Collaborative Based Filtering: Sklearn

In the first attemp I used sklearn pairwise libraries, as the dtaset was too big, a sample of dataset was used and that wasn't give a sensable RMSE. RMSE= 3.4

2. Collaborative Based Filtering: Suprise

In the second attempt I used the powerful recommendation libraries called Suprise, eventhough a sample of dataset was used the RMSE got very low, There are a cross validation in this libraries called cross_validate that you can use for optimisation, after optimizing the RMSE got almost 0.87.

an example of Recommendation


3. Collaborative Based Filtering: Spark

For sklearn I had to use a sample of dataset but spark can handle a big data so I used the whole dataset for training in Spark.In the first attempt the rmse was 0.9 so I used a for loop for rank and regularization param and the RMSE got 0.8 which is pretty cool.

an example of prediction for a user in Spark


an example of recommendation

It shows these movie ids recommends for some userid s.


2. Content Based Filtering


For content based filtering the keys was having genres, stars and directer. And as we wanted a good movies to recommend and need a sample dataset for deploying (limitation in heroku), I used IMDB formula to filter qualified movies, so after some merging and concatening the last version of dataframe was look like below:


This dataframe was needed for deploying, but for trainning I just need genres, staring and directer column. after some text processing a new data frame was created that included these 3 columns without space.



A matrix was made after cont vectorising (11428, 29882).


By using one of Sklearn libraries called cosine_similarity, a matrix of item similarity was made. (11428, 11428)


A costum function was made which get the cosin_similarity matrix and the a movie and then can give the recommendation: below is an example of recommendation for a user that like Sabrina movie:


checking the recommendation

For checking how close the movies are to Sabrina movies: Ba10

We can see the genres is almost the same and some stars and directors are in more than one movies.


Pickling the matrix was more complex than usuall model, it is much heavy so I used compress-pickle.


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