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Kenta Kubo edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 39 revisions

How to map a command to open a buffer parent directory or current working directory when the buffer is not a file

Use <C-r>=...<CR> to specify a special function like below:

nnoremap <silent> <Leader>ee :<C-u>Fern <C-r>=<SID>smart_path()<CR><CR>

" Return a parent directory of the current buffer when the buffer is a file.
" Otherwise it returns a current working directory.
function! s:smart_path() abort
  if !empty(&buftype) || bufname('%') =~# '^[^:]\+://'
    return fnamemodify('.', ':p')
  return fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:h')

How to customize fern buffer

Use FileType autocmd to initialize fern buffer like:

function! s:init_fern() abort
  echo "This function is called ON a fern buffer WHEN initialized"

  " Open node with 'o'
  nmap <buffer> o <Plug>(fern-action-open)

  " Add any code to customize fern buffer

augroup fern-custom
  autocmd! *
  autocmd FileType fern call s:init_fern()
augroup END

Define NERDTree like mappings

Use s:init_fern() above like:

function! s:init_fern() abort
  " Define NERDTree like mappings
  nmap <buffer> o <Plug>(fern-action-open:edit)
  nmap <buffer> go <Plug>(fern-action-open:edit)<C-w>p
  nmap <buffer> t <Plug>(fern-action-open:tabedit)
  nmap <buffer> T <Plug>(fern-action-open:tabedit)gT
  nmap <buffer> i <Plug>(fern-action-open:split)
  nmap <buffer> gi <Plug>(fern-action-open:split)<C-w>p
  nmap <buffer> s <Plug>(fern-action-open:vsplit)
  nmap <buffer> gs <Plug>(fern-action-open:vsplit)<C-w>p
  nmap <buffer> ma <Plug>(fern-action-new-path)
  nmap <buffer> P gg

  nmap <buffer> C <Plug>(fern-action-enter)
  nmap <buffer> u <Plug>(fern-action-leave)
  nmap <buffer> r <Plug>(fern-action-reload)
  nmap <buffer> R gg<Plug>(fern-action-reload)<C-o>
  nmap <buffer> cd <Plug>(fern-action-cd)
  nmap <buffer> CD gg<Plug>(fern-action-cd)<C-o>

  nmap <buffer> I <Plug>(fern-action-hidden-toggle)

  nmap <buffer> q :<C-u>quit<CR>

Note that some features are missing.

Perform expand or collapse directory

Use fern#smart#leaf like below:

function! s:init_fern() abort
  nmap <buffer><expr>
      \ <Plug>(fern-my-expand-or-collapse)
      \ fern#smart#leaf(
      \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-collapse)",
      \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-expand)",
      \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-collapse)",
      \ )

  nmap <buffer><nowait> l <Plug>(fern-my-expand-or-collapse)

Perform enter in explorer style but expand in drawer style

Use fern#smart#drawer like below:

function! s:init_fern() abort
  nmap <buffer><expr>
        \ <Plug>(fern-my-expand-or-enter)
        \ fern#smart#drawer(
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-open-or-expand)",
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-open-or-enter)",
        \ )
  nmap <buffer><expr>
        \ <Plug>(fern-my-collapse-or-leave)
        \ fern#smart#drawer(
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-collapse)",
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-leave)",
        \ )
  nmap <buffer><nowait> l <Plug>(fern-my-expand-or-enter)
  nmap <buffer><nowait> h <Plug>(fern-my-collapse-or-leave)

Perform tcd on the root node after enter or leave action

Use <Plug>(fern-wait) to wait enter or leave action like:

nmap <buffer> <Plug>(fern-my-enter-and-tcd)
      \ <Plug>(fern-action-enter)
      \ <Plug>(fern-wait)
      \ <Plug>(fern-action-tcd:root)

nmap <buffer> <Plug>(fern-my-leave-and-tcd)
      \ <Plug>(fern-action-leave)
      \ <Plug>(fern-wait)
      \ <Plug>(fern-action-tcd:root)

Perform tcd on the root node on BufEnter autocmd

Use feedkeys() to execute the <Plug>(fern-action-tcd:root) like:

  augroup my_fern_tcd
    autocmd! * <buffer>
    autocmd BufEnter <buffer> call feedkeys("\<Plug>(fern-action-tcd:root)")
  augroup END

Enter a project root via ^


function! s:fern_init() abort
  " Find and enter project root
  nnoremap <buffer><silent>
        \ <Plug>(fern-my-enter-project-root)
        \ :<C-u>call fern#helper#call(funcref('<SID>map_enter_project_root'))<CR>
  nmap <buffer><expr><silent>
        \ ^
        \ fern#smart#scheme(
        \   "^",
        \   {
        \     'file': "\<Plug>(fern-my-enter-project-root)",
        \   }
        \ )

function! s:map_enter_project_root(helper) abort
  " NOTE: require 'file' scheme
  let root = a:helper.get_root_node()
  let path = root._path
  let path = finddir('.git/..', path . ';')
  execute printf('Fern %s', fnameescape(path))

Open bookmark:/// and return via <C-^>

function! s:fern_init() abort
  " Open bookmark:///
  nnoremap <buffer><silent>
        \ <Plug>(fern-my-enter-bookmark)
        \ :<C-u>Fern bookmark:///<CR>
  nmap <buffer><expr><silent>
        \ <C-^>
        \ fern#smart#scheme(
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-my-enter-bookmark)",
        \   {
        \     'bookmark': "\<C-^>",
        \   },
        \ )

Use fern as a default directory browser (hijack netrw)


Stay after open

Use <C-w><C-p> like

nmap <buffer> <Plug>(my-fern-open-and-stay) <Plug>(fern-action-open)<C-w><C-p>

Close fern after open

Use :FernDo to execute close command after open. Note that <Plug>(fer-close-drawer) is a global mapping.

  nnoremap <Plug>(fern-close-drawer) :<C-u>FernDo close -drawer -stay<CR>
  nmap <buffer><silent> <Plug>(fern-action-open-and-close)
      \ <Plug>(fern-action-open)
      \ <Plug>(fern-close-drawer)

Start fern.vim on Vim startup with a particular directory

augroup my-fern-startup
  autocmd! *
  autocmd VimEnter * ++nested Fern ~/
augroup END

Preview leaf content by j/k like VS code


function! s:fern_preview_init() abort
  nmap <buffer><expr>
        \ <Plug>(fern-my-preview-or-nop)
        \ fern#smart#leaf(
        \   "\<Plug>(fern-action-open:edit)\<C-w>p",
        \   "",
        \ )
  nmap <buffer><expr> j
        \ fern#smart#drawer(
        \   "j\<Plug>(fern-my-preview-or-nop)",
        \   "j",
        \ )
  nmap <buffer><expr> k
        \ fern#smart#drawer(
        \   "k\<Plug>(fern-my-preview-or-nop)",
        \   "k",
        \ )

augroup my-fern-preview
  autocmd! *
  autocmd FileType fern call s:fern_preview_init()
augroup END

" You need this otherwise you cannot switch modified buffer
set hidden

See for more detail