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A toy proof-checker for first-order logic natural deduction with Fitch-style notation.


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A toy proof-checker for first-order predicate logic natural deduction with Fitch-style notation.

It is still in the stage of prototyping.

It somewhat supports a mix of a subset of second-order propositional and first-order predicate logic with custom definitions for terms and propositions.



You define axioms like so:

axiom nat-zero : ℕ(Zero)
axiom nat-suc  : ∀ n : ℕ(n) ==> ℕ(Suc(n))

axiom sum-zero : ∀ n : ℕ(n) ==> Sum(Zero , n , n)
axiom sum-suc  : ∀ n₁ n₂ n₃ : ℕ(n₁) ==>
                              ℕ(n₂) ==>
                              ℕ(n₃) ==>
                              Sum( n₁ , n₂ , n₃ ) ==> Sum( Suc(n₁) , n₂ , Suc(n₃) )

Inductive Definitions

You can also define your relations more concisely using the syntax and judgment declarations. Here's an example of the above in the new syntax:

syntax ℕ  = Zero
          | Suc(ℕ)

judgment sum = Sum(ℕ, ℕ, ℕ)

rule schema sum-zero for all objects (n : ℕ) :
|-------------------------------------- sum-zero
| Sum(Zero, n, n)

rule schema sum-suc for all objects (m : ℕ), (n : ℕ), (o : ℕ) :
| Sum(m, n, o)
|-------------------------------------- sum-suc
| Sum(Suc(m), n, Suc(o))

Induction and Case Analysis

If you declare your relations (using syntax and judgment) as shown above, the tool supports proofs by induction and case analysis. Here's an example of a theorem total for addition:

theorem total : ∀ (n₁ : ℕ) (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( n₁ , n₂ , n₃ )
∀ (n₁ : ℕ) (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( n₁ , n₂ , n₃ )  by induction :

  case Zero -> 
    | uni-n2 :  | for all (n2 : ℕ)
    |           |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    |           | sz : Sum( Zero , n2 , n3 )  by rule sum-zero
    |           | ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( Zero , n2 , n₃ )  by rule ∃-intro on sz
    | ∀ (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( Zero , n₂ , n₃ )  by rule ∀-intro on uni-n2

  case Suc(m) ->  

    | induction-hypothesis : ∀ (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( m , n₂ , n₃ )
    | uni-n2b : | for all (N2 : ℕ)
    |           |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    |           | d1 : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( m , N2 , n₃ )  by rule ∀-elim on induction-hypothesis
    |           | exn3 :  | p5 : Sum( m , N2 , n3 ) for some (n3 : ℕ)
    |           |         |----------------------------------------------------------------------
    |           |         | sum-m+1 : Sum( Suc(m) , N2 , Suc(n3) )  by rule sum-suc on p5
    |           |         | ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( Suc(m) , N2 , n₃ )  by rule ∃-intro on sum-m+1
    |           |
    |           | ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( Suc(m) , N2 , n₃ )  by rule ∃-elim on d1, exn3
    | ∀ (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( Suc(m) , n₂ , n₃ )  by rule ∀-intro on uni-n2b


A theorem is a statement followed by its proof.

theorem total : ∀ (n₁ : ℕ) (n₂ : ℕ) : ∃ (n₃ : ℕ) : Sum( n₁ , n₂ , n₃ )


Proofs are the most visually involved part. You start by writing the vertical and horizontal lines:


The lines above the long horizontal line are for premises while the space below the horizontal line is for deriving new information.

Here is a simple theorem in propositional logic:

theorem foo : A ==> B ==> C ⊢ B ==> A ==> C
| p : A ==> B ==> C
| 0 : | p0 : B
|     |----------------------------------------------------
|     |
|     | 1 : | p1 : A
|     |     |----------------------------------------------
|     |     |
|     |     | b=>c : B ==> C  by rule ==>-elim on p, p1
|     |     |
|     |     | C  by rule ==>-elim on b=>c, p0
|     |
|     | A ==> C  by rule ==>-intro on 1
| B ==> A ==> C  by rule ==>-intro on 0

You have to name all your premises. You don't have to name all the asserted statements below the line. Only those you intend to refer to. The last one in a (sub-)proof is supposed to be proving the goal.

You can use whatever names you want. Almost all characters are allowed except some special symbols that have concrete meanings in detour.

See the ./examples directory for a few examples.


  • remove the substitution Const2Term
  • maybe have a special kind of term like Rigid variable? I don't remember for what, though.


  • a switch --lem=true/false that disallows (or allows) the proof by contradiction rule

  • Lexer

  • Parser

  • the Data Type Representation

  • named axioms in the global scope

  • named sub-proofs in the global scope

  • Proof-checking

    • Unification
    • check'rule
  • Custom syntax

    • parsing syntax definitions
    • case analysis on objects
      • exhaustivity/specificity checking
    • induction on objects
  • Custom Rules

    • parsing judgment definitions
    • user-defined judgments
      • rules
      • type-check the rule definitions (formulae in the premises and the result parts are well-formed)
      • implement check-rule for custom rules
        • the ∀-elim part
        • the ==>-elim part
    • case analysis on propositions
    • induction on propositions
      • check the strict positivity property
  • Typed Stuff

    • typing for terms
    • type unification
  • second-order features

    • theorem schemata
    • rule and judgment schemata over propositions
  • REPL

    • the Console Command Mode


A toy proof-checker for first-order logic natural deduction with Fitch-style notation.







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