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gServe aims to ease the creation of go gRPC servers (and eventualy clients) by generating boilerplate code from protobuf files.



To install gServe, run:

go get
go install

gServe contains the command protoc-gen-server that will generate boilerplate go code for implementing gRPC servers. gServe will eventually contain a command to generate boilerplate client code also (see Roadmap).


Generation of code is done using the protoc command. The target destionation is defined by using the --server_out option. For a proto file example.proto, an example protoc execution would look like:

protoc \
    -I=. \
    -I=$GOPATH/src \
    --server_out="../grpc" \


package: defines the go package for the generated files. If not specified, defaults to grpc.

  protoc \
    -I=. \
    -I=$GOPATH/src \
    --server_out="package=generated:../generated" \

tempate: path to a custom template used for generation of files. See custom templates for additional information

  protoc \
    -I=. \
    -I=$GOPATH/src \
    --server_out="template=./test.template:../generated" \


  • Generated code cannot go into the same folder as the generated go protobuf code.

Generated Code

gServe generates one file per service in your proto definitions.

Custom Templates

The default template will not suffice for everyone, so you do have the option to create your own template and supply the path to the protoc command. The template will be parsed using the text/template go library which documentation can be found here.

The template will be executed once per service.

Template Payload

type templatePayload struct {
    Imports      []string
    Package      string
    ProtoPackage string
    Name         string
    Methods      []methodPayload
    TypeMetadata []typeMetadata
    First        bool

Imports only contains the golang imports needed for the proto definitions. If you need to import any other packages, those must be defined in the template.

Package is the golang package for the file.

ProtoPackage is the protobuf package declared in the proto file.

Name in the name of the service being generated.

Methods contains information about the methods on the service.

TypeMetadata contains all of the types used by the service, either in requests or responses.

First indicates if this is the first time the template is being generated for the execution of the protoc command. This can be useful when you are generating code for multiple services and need to generate some code only once per execution.

Type Metadata Payload

type typeMetadata struct {

    ClientStreamed bool
    ServerStreamed bool

See the methodType section for additional properties.

ClientStreamed is true if the type is streamed from the client for any method.

ServerStreamed is true if the type is streamed from the server for any method.

Method Payload

type methodPayload struct {
    Name            string
    Input           methodType
    Output          methodType
    ClientStreaming bool
    ServerStreaming bool

Name is the name of the method.

Input contains information about the input of the method.

Output contains information about the output of the method.

ClientStreamed is true if the method is a client streaming endpoint.

ServerStreamed is true if the method is a server streaming endpoint.

Method Type Payload

type methodType struct {
    Pkg  string
    Name string

Pkg is the go package the type is coming from.

Name is the name of the type.


  • Generation of bidirectional streaming endpoint code.
  • Ability to supply multiple template files, one for services and one for common code.
  • Ability to generate gServe code in same folder as protoc-gen-go code.


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