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Polkalance is a decentralized job marketplace built on Substrate and ink!. The platform allows users to post and find jobs securely and transparently.


  • Post and find jobs: Users can post jobs or find jobs by position, skills, salary, etc.
  • Direct payment: Workers will receive their salary directly to their Substrate wallet.
  • Transparency: All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability.

How to use

To use Polkalance, you need a Substrate wallet. Once you have a wallet, you can visit the Polkalance website and log in with your wallet.

To post a job, you need to provide the following information:

  • Job name
  • Job description
  • Salary
  • Duration
  • Category

To find a job, you can use filters to find jobs that match your needs.

Architecture of smart contract

    class Account {
        - jobs: Mapping<JobId, Job>
        - current_job_id: JobId
        - personal_account_info: Mapping<AccountId, UserInfo>
        - owner_jobs: Mapping<AccountId, Vec<(JobId, bool)>>
        - freelancer_jobs: Mapping<AccountId, Vec<(JobId, bool)>>
        - ratings: Mapping<AccountId, Vec<(JobId, Option<RatingPoint>)>>
        - reports: Mapping<AccountId, Vec<(JobId, Option<ReportInfo>)>>
    class Job {
        - name: String
        - job_id: JobId
        - description: String
        - category: Category
        - result: Option<String>
        - status: Status
        - budget: Balance
        - fee_percentage: u8
        - start_time: Timestamp
        - end_time: Timestamp
        - person_create: Option<AccountId>
        - person_obtain: Option<AccountId>
        - pay: Balance
        - feedback: String
        - request_negotiation: bool
        - requester: Option<AccountId>
        - reporter: Option<AccountId>
        - require_rating: (bool, bool)
        - unqualifier: bool
    class Category {
        + NONE
        + IT
        + MARKETING
        + PHOTOSHOP
    class RatingPoint {
        + OneStar
        + TwoStars
        + ThreeStars
        + FourStars
        + FiveStars
    class Status {
        + OPEN
        + DOING
        + REVIEW
        + REOPEN
        + FINISH
        + CANCELED
    class AccountRole {
        + INDIVIDUAL
        + ENTERPRISE
        + FREELANCER
    class OnwerRoleInEnterprise {
        + TEAMLEAD
        + ACCOUNTANT
    class UserInfo {
        - name: String
        - detail: String
        - role: AccountRole
        - successful_jobs_and_all_jobs: (u32, u32)
        - rating_points: i32
    class JobError {
        + Registered
        + NotRegistered
        + NotJobAssigner
        + NotFreelancer
        + NotExisted
        + NotTaked
        + Taked
        + NotTakeThisJob
        + NotAssignThisJob
        + OutOfDate
        + Submited
        + Proccessing
        + CurrentJobIncomplete
        + Finish
        + InvalidPayAmount
        + InvalidNegotiation
        + InvalidTermination
        + InvalidReport
        + InvalidRating
    Account --> JobId
    Account --> Job
    Account --> AccountId
    Account --> UserInfo
    Account --> Category
    Account --> RatingPoint
    Account --> ReportInfo
    Job --> JobId
    Job --> Category
    Job --> Status
    Job --> Balance
    Job --> Timestamp
    Job --> AccountId
    Job --> RatingPoint
    Job --> ReportInfo
    Category --> String
    RatingPoint --> String
    Status --> String
    AccountRole --> OnwerRoleInEnterprise
    UserInfo --> String
    UserInfo --> AccountRole
    JobError --> String

How it works

flowchart TB
    A[Client creates job] --> B[Job status<br>OPEN]
    B -- Freelancer takes job --> D[Job status<br>DOING]
    D -- Deadline timeout --> H
    D -- Submit success --> E[Job status<br>REVIEW]
    E -- Terminate --> K
    E -- Done --> G[Job status<br>FINISH]
    E -- Reject --> H[Job status<br>UNQUALIFIED]
    H -- Resubmit --> E
    H -- Terminate --> K
    H -- Request Negotiate --> I{Negotiate} 
    I -- Success --> G
    I -- Terminate --> K[Report]
    B -- Cancle job --> M[Refund client<br>Job status<br>CANCELED]
    J -- Cancle job --> M
    J -- Freelancer take job --> D
    K -- Success--> J[Job status<br>REOPEN] 


Polkalance is currently in development. You can download the source code from GitHub.


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Polkalance DApp is Job Search for Freelancer and Company







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