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Get style properties from json file then apply to specific view


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At a glace:

Every ios-app has something like:

  • Button
  • Label
  • View
  • ....

For example, button has submit, cancel, verify, back .. styles. You have to set button's attributes/properties to archive a smooth, good looking, and friendly app.

We usually did it by these ways:

let button = UIButton(frame: ....)
button.clipToBounds = true
button.layer.cornerRadius = 4
button.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.15
button.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 3)
button.backgroundColor = 


class CustomButton: UIButton {
    func draw() {
        // Do something for your button

The 1st way is flexible but we have copy/paste to apply on new object. The 2nd way make it central control, apply to all object when we need to change but we have to create a new class with a lot of override/changes inside.

We known both advantages and disadvantages, why don't we try to make it better ?

General Ideas:

What do I need to make it better ?

  • Flexible changes
  • Change apply to all sub-class
  • Easy to add/edit/remove a new property
  • Easy to use ( 1 line to apply )

So StylesLoader has been done by:

  • Load config/styles from json file. ( from url files in futures )
  • Apply styles on runtime by StyleProvider
  • Styles on json, but we have specific using by register perform(with:on) functions
  • Make an extension for UIView, where we can easily to apply style with 1 line of code ( and have a ton of codes behind that xD )

Read config file is not a good ideas, because of:

  • Safe typing
  • Autocomplete
  • Hard to maintain when we don't have a clearly understand. Did that property what I just edit/remove was using by any providers ?
  • Not familiar with any kind of styles world. Everyline in json was defined and used by provider and will be ignored in runtime if noone need them.

Damn it, you know it has a lot of ugly edges. Why did you using this ?????? !@#$@$%WR@#%#^

Well, flexible, that's all.


Define your styles in a *.json file. I named it themes.json:

    "color": {
        "$whiteSmoke" : "#000000ff",
        "$blue": "#0000ffff"
    "font": {
        "@palatino": "Palatino"
    "customVariables": {
        "~alignCenter": 1,
        "~alignLeft": 0
    "styles": {
        ".banner": {
            "backgroundColor" : "$blue",
            "borderWidth": 2,
            "borderColor" : "$whiteSmoke",
            "cornerRadius" : 5
        ".h1": {
            "parent": ".banner",
            "textColor": "$blue",
            "textAlign": "~alignCenter",
            "fontSize": 13,
            "fontName": "@palatino"

Add StylesLoader's configuration in AppDelegate.swift

import StylesLoader

func application(
  _ application: UIApplication, 
  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
  StylesResources.shared.load(from: "themes")
  // TODO: Add your code here
  return true

then load to view:

import StylesLoader

let label = UILabel()

By default, StylesLoader using StylesResources.shared as its resources. More customization can be applied by provide another resources what inherited from StylesResources

label.styles.loadStyles(".h1", from: MyResources.singleton)

What does JSON file have ?


Color key has $ prefix, and value has # prefix

Color is #RGBA color, need to follow exactly format to validate color.

If you hate that format, just edit var hexColor: UIColor? in Ext+StylesLoader.swift


Font key has @ prefix

Font name will be verified to prevent crash in runtime.


Custom variables key has ~ prefix

For example: you need text align left and center, but it was mark as number, so give it a name to clearly on using.


Styles is json object with parent optional. If styles object has parent key, it mean that styles will inherit from parent styles and will override the same attributes, like OOP

Can I make my custom key, such as: "GiveMeMana" ?

Of course, you do.

By default, StylesLoader has 2 providers: LayerStyleProvider, TextStyleProvider. You can create your new StylesProvider then register in application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions)

StylesLoader will ignore unregistered style keys. So don't forget to register(_:)


# Podfile
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'StylesLoader'

StylesLoader is in development, so if you want to apply new feature without cocoapods publishment. try

pod 'StylesLoader', :git => ''


  • Installation
  • Unit test
  • UI test
  • Readme grammar check :D