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Eugene Babich edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 1 revision

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Simple string wrapper type for secret storage in config files.

One type with support registration extensions (like a sql driver). Build-in supported storage type prefixes:

  • raw - just string (for debug/developing)
  • env - read parameter from environment variable (see examples). read once on read from yaml/json
  • dynenv - read parameter from environment variable without caching (every time when you call .Get())

YAML config example:

  name: "sample"
  #just for development - store as is, change store type to scr, env/dynenv in prod
  user: 'raw:test:test?/test'
  #read password stored in $DB_PASS once (cache value)
  pass: env:DB_PASS

#read password stored in $DB_PASS every time
pass2: "dynenv:DB_PASS"

Configure environment example:

export DB_PASS=SomeStrongPassword

Usage example:

package main
import (

type testConfig struct {
	Db struct {
        Name  string       `yaml:"name"`
		User  noble.Secret `yaml:"user"`
		Pass  noble.Secret `yaml:"pass"`
	} `yaml:"db"`
	Pass2 noble.Secret     `yaml:"pass2"`

func some(user, pass, pass2 string){
    //user == "test:test?/test"
    //pass == "SomeStrongPassword"

func main(){
    var configData []byte
    // read config here
    var cfg testConfig
    if e := yaml.Unmarshal(configData, &cfg);e!=nil{
    //use config
    some(cfg.Db.User.Get(), cfg.Db.Pass.Get(), cfg.Pass2.Get())

Extension "simplecrypt"

Add type extension:

  • scr - simple crypt value
Yaml config example:
secret: scr:1Y2qKTtkeg5SmboJ970qENd54oBepinL5SF4dujQkY5Ec/J7M3bWQfiWaEPsZaXl4bPAEKoC1i29

where scr - extension prefix

Build and use simplecrypt/encrypter to create key and encrypt values.

   encrypter - Command line tool for encrypt secrets

   encrypter [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   key, k      generate new secret key to store in environment variable SCR_PASS
   encrypt, e  encrypt value by key
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

   encrypter encrypt - encrypt value by key

   encrypter encrypt [command options] [arguments...]

   --value value, -v value  value to encrypt
   --key value, -k value    key to encrypt value. [$SCR_PASS]
   --key value, -k value    key to encrypt value. [$SCR_PASS]

Just import package

package main
import _ ""

Extension for etcd key/value API v2, "etcdr2"

Add type extension:

  • etcd2 - read value from selected key stored on ETCD by API v2
Yaml config example:
secret: "etcd2:messages4/test"
secret2: "etcd2:test2"
secret3: "etcd2:messages4/keybox/test"

Store value example:

curl -XPUT -d value="Hello world"
curl -XPUT -d value="Some very secret value"
curl -XPUT -d value="One more secret value"

Just import package

Extension will be registered automatically

package main
import _ ""

Extension "files"

Add type extension:

  • file - read first line from text file as secret value
Yaml config example:
secret: "file:/etc/noble/secret.cfg"

Just import package

package main
import _ ""

Extension "vaultx"

Add type extension:

  • vault - read key from secure storage (hashicorp vault) Key format:


For example, stored by command:

vault kv put secret/data/some-secured pass="my long password"    

can be read by:

password: "vault:/data/some-secured?pass"
Yaml config example:
secret: "vault:/data?key"

Just import package

package main
import (

func loadConfig(){
  if !vaultx.SetTokenEnv("VAULT_TOKEN"){
        log.Fatal("environment var VAULT_TOKEN not set")
  if err := vaultx.InitVault(nil);err!=nil{
  //... then load config file  

It is also possible to configure the following parameters:

  • vaultx.SetLogger(logEntry): set logrus entry as log source;
  • vaultx.SetServerAddress(address): set vault server address;
  • vaultx.SetSecretPath(path): set vault k/v path. Used secret/data by default;
  • vaultx.SetToken(token): set vault token to login
  • vaultx.SetTokenEnv(envVarName): set vault token to login from environment var