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  • Parse gherkin features text and step definition javascript text
  • Allows mapping feature steps to registered step definition and calls their method



  • With NPM - npm install @ltipton/parkin
  • With Yarn - yarn add @ltipton/parkin


// With esm imports
import { Parkin } from 'parkin'

// With cjs require
const { Parkin } = require('parkin')

// Parkin is a class, so you should create a new instance of it before using
const PK = new Parkin()



  • <Class> - Manages features, steps, and definitions
  • <Arguments> - Accepts two arguments
    • (Optional) <Object> - World object passed to all step definition calls
    • (Optional) <Object> - Steps object to register steps on initialization


  • <Object> - Containing methods for parsing features and definitions


  • <Function> - Parses the text content of a feature file (.feature)
  • <Arguments> - Accepts a single argument
    • (REQUIRED) <String> - Feature file text content
  • Returns an object adhering to the feature model spec


// In Node.js
const fs = require('fs') 
const featureContent = fs.readFileSync('path/to/feature/file.feature')

// Returns an array of feature models parsed from the feature content
const featureModels = PK.parse.feature(featureContent)


  • <Function> - Parses the text content of a step definition file (.js)
  • <Arguments> - Accepts a single argument
    • (REQUIRED) <String> - Definition text content ( Valid javascript code as text )
  • Returns an object adhering to the definition model spec


// In Node.js
const fs = require('fs') 
const definitionContent = fs.readFileSync('path/to/step/definition.js')

// Returns an array of definition models parsed from the definition content
const definitionModel = PK.parse.definition(definitionContent)


  • <Function> - Register method for Given step definitions
  • <Arguments> - Accepts two arguments
    • (REQUIRED) <String> - Match expression string or regex
    • (REQUIRED) <Function> - Method called when a step definition matches a feature step


import { Parkin } from 'parkin'
const PK = new Parkin()

// Register a step definition with expression syntax
PK.Given(`Given match with {expression} syntax`, (expression) => { /* Assertion code */ })


  • <Function> - Register method for When step definitions
  • <Arguments> - Accepts two arguments
    • (REQUIRED) <String> - Match expression string or regex
    • (REQUIRED) <Function> - Method called when a step definition matches a feature step


import { Parkin } from 'parkin'
const PK = new Parkin()

// Register a step definition with expression syntax
PK.When(`When match with {expression} syntax`, (expression) => { /* Assertion code */ })


  • <Function> - Register method for Then step definitions
  • <Arguments> - Accepts two arguments
    • (REQUIRED) <String> - Match expression string or regex
    • (REQUIRED) <Function> - Method called when a step definition matches a feature step


import { Parkin } from 'parkin'
const PK = new Parkin()
// Register a step definition with expression syntax
PK.Then(`Then match with {expression} syntax`, (expression) => { /* Assertion code */ })


  • <Function> - Helper to register multiple step definitions at one time
  • (REQUIRED) <Arguments> - Accepts a single <Object>, matching the example below


import { Parkin } from 'parkin'
const PK = new Parkin()
// Accepts an object with properties of the definition types 
  given: {
    // Register a given step definition with expression syntax
    `I am on {page}`: (page) => { /* ... */ },
    // Register a given step definition with regex syntax
    `/I goto (\S+)$/`: (page) => { /* ... */ },
  // All other properties follow the same format as defined above
  then: { /* ... */ },
  when: { /* ... */ },

  • <Function> - Runs tests using the following steps:
    1. Parses the passed in feature text into a feature model
    • Bypassed if argument is a feature model object
    1. Matches the parsed feature text with registered step definitions
    • Uses the step definitions match property to match with the feature step text
    1. Calls the methods of the matching step definitions
    • Passes in dynamic arguments of the feature step when method is called
    • World object is always the last argument passed to a step definition method
  • <Arguments> - Accepts a single argument
    • (REQUIRED) <String|Object|Array<String|Object>> - Feature text content or parsed feature matching feature model

  • <Object> - Global config object accessible when parsing features, and within step definitions
  • World properties and values can be defined before and during feature execution
    • During feature parsing, any part of the feature text can be replaced
      • If the $world value does not exist at this time, the text is treated as is
      • See Feature Parsing for more information
    • Step Expression variables can be replaced when a feature is parsed or during execution
      • If the value exists when a feature is parsed, it will be replaced
        • During execution, it will use the replaced value, and not the runtime value of the $world object
        • See Runtime Parsing for setting values during execution
      • For Step Expression variables only
        • If the value does not exist when a feature is parsed
        • It MUST exist during execution or an error will be thrown
        • If it's not a Step Expression variables, and does not exist when the feature is parsed it is ignored

Feature Parsing

  • Features that contain the a text matching $world.* will be mapped to a corresponding world value
    • The * part of $world.*, should be a path on the world object
    • The RegEx looks like this => /(\$:world|\$world)+\.[^"'\s]*/gm
    • Example
        // Parkin world object = { app: { url: '' } }
          Feature Open from World
            # Any part of a features text content can be replaced during the initial parse
            Scenario: Go to $
              Given I open the site "$"
            # If it does not exist, it will be ignored and displayed as is
            Scenario: Render App Name: $
              Given the app name is "$"
    • When the above feature is parsed, both instances of $ will be replaced with
    • This runs before Step Definitions are matched to Scenario Steps
      • Which means the match text of the Scenario Step would be
        • Given I open the site ""
      • And a matching Step Definition text would be
        • Given I open the site {string}
    • IMPORTANT - This happens only once, when the feature is initially parsed by Parkin
      • If the values don't exist on the world object, they will be ignored
      • If the text is not a variable of a Scenario Step, it will be treated as normal text content
      • Example
          // Parkin world object
 = { app: {} }
            Feature Render App Name
              Scenario: Render the App Name 
                Given the app name is not set
                # "$" does not exist on the world, so it will be ignored
                Then $ will not be replaced

Runtime Parsing

  • In some cases, a world value should be parsed during execution of a step, and not when the feature is parsed
    • This can be useful in cases where one step sets a value to the world, and it used later in a future step
    • Example
        // Parkin instance world object = { app: {} }
          Feature Set then Open
            Scenario: Go to my app url
              # Step definition set the value to ""
              Given I set the app url to be ""
              # Step definition methods first argument becomes ""
              And I open the site "$"
    • When the above feature is parsed, The $ will be found and replaced to $
      • Due to the :, It will NOT try to find the world value.
      • Instead it removes the :, and the match text of the Scenario Step becomes
        • And I open the site "$"
      • The matching Step Definition text would be
        • And I open the site {string}
    • When a Scenario Step is matched to Step Definition
      • All variables are parsed from the scenario step and passed to the Step Definition method
      • If the variable value matches $world.*, it will be replaced by the corresponding $world value
        • The * part of $world.*, should be a path on the world object
        • This happens for non-existing $world values and variables defined with $:world when the feature is parsed
      • IMPORTANT - If the value does not exist on the $world, then the Step Definition method throws an error
    • Because this happens at the time of parsing the Scenario Step variables
      • The value from the $world object at the time the step is parsed is used
      • If the same step that references a $world value is used multiple times and the $world value changes,
        • The value passed to the Step Definition method will be the current value
      • This allows dynamically setting values on the world object during the execution of a feature file
        • Example
            // Parkin instance world object
   = { app: {} }
              Feature: Set then Open
                Scenario: Go to my app url
                  # Step definition set the value to ""
                  Given I set the app url to be ""
                  # Step definition methods first argument becomes ""
                  And I open the site "$"
                Scenario: Go to google
                  # Step definition set the value to ""
                  Given I set the app url to be ""
                  # Step definition methods first argument becomes ""
                  And I open the site "$"
            // After the First Scenario finished running
   === ""
            // After the Second Scenario finished running
   === ""

Alias Parsing

  • Similar to the $world object, Parkin has a shortcut for parsing aliases
  • This is simply a helper to aid in the readability of feature files
  • All aliases must be defined in the $world.$alias object path
  • An alias can then be referenced in a feature file using the name of the alias prefixed by $$
    • Example = { $alias: { foo: `bar` } }
          Feature: Use Alias Value
            Scenario: Reference an alias value in a step
              # When parsed, "$$foo" will be replaced with the value "bar"
              Given I use the "$$foo" alias from the world.alias object
  • It the alias key does not exist in the $world.$alias object, it will be ignored

Model Specs

Feature Model

  index: <Number> /* Line number within the parse feature text content */
  feature: <String> /* Name of the feature */
  perspective: <Meta> /* Meta information about the feature */
  desire: <Meta> /* Meta information about the feature */
  comments: <Array> [ /* Array of defined Meta Models */
    <Meta> /* Meta Model */
  reason: <Array> [ /* Array of defined Meta Models */
    <Meta> /* Meta Model */
  tags: <Array> [ /* Array of defined tags for the feature */
  scenarios: <Array> [ /* Array of defined Scenario Models */
    <Scenario> /* Scenario Model */

Meta Model

  content: <String> /* Meta information about the feature */
  index: <Number> /* Line number within the parse feature text content */

Scenario Model

  index: <Number> /* Line number within the parse feature text content */
  scenario: <String> /* Name of the scenario */
  uuid: <String> /* Id of scenario created at the time it was parsed */
  tags: <Array> /* Array of defined tags for the scenario */
  steps: <Array> [ /* Array of defined Step Models */
    <Step> /* Step Model */

Step Model

  index: <Number> /* Line number within the parse feature text content */
  step: <String> /* Text content of the step used to match with definitions */
  type: <String> /* Gherkin definition type ( Given, When, Then, And, But ) */
  uuid: <String> /* Id of step created at the time it was parsed */

Definition Model

  type: <String> /* Gherkin definition type ( Given, When, Then, And, But ) */
  name: <String> /* Cleaned and formatted string of the match property */
  match: <String> /* Step matching string to match feature steps with definition methods */
  variant: <String> /* Syntax used for defining the match property ( regex || expression ) */
  content: <String> /* Text content of step definition ( Valid javascript code ) */
  method: <Function> /* Method called when the step definition matches a feature step */